Chapter 1

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Kriya's pov:

I made my way through the sweaty bodies who were grinding on each other until I finally reached my destination, which was the bar. I sat down on the chair and looked for my friend on the dance floor but I couldn't see her. Perfect. So now I was stuck in this disgusting place with drunk, hormonal teenagers who didn't even know what they were doing.

''Do you want anything beautiful?'' the bartender asked and gave me a friendly smile.

''No thank you, I'm fine.'' I said and smiled back at him not wanting to be rude. He nodded his head and walked away just when Neha's phone started ringing in my hands. Shit! It was my mum. I had forgotten my phone at home and she must've been worried. I answered it quickly, but I couldn't hear much because of the loud music.  "Yes...Maa? Yeah I'm fine. We're coming in a while... What? No, Maa, I'm not drunk... I forgot it... ok bye." I rolled my eyes and hung up. Why did she always have to assume that I was drunk when I didn't answer my phone? I had just forgotten it. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. Now let's see how I'm gonna get home. I stood up and started walking around the crowded club, thinking that I could find my friend, Neha, and I did. As soon as I saw her, I walked straight to her and grabbed her by her arm.

"Easy there." she said and stumbled over her own feet, obviously drunk. Oh joy. Who was going to drive us back home? I swore to god, this was the last time I'd come to a place like this.

"You're wasted! How much did you drink?" I asked her, frustrated, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Not much." she said making weird faces and giggled afterwards. I guessed a lot.

"What am I supposed to do now Neha?" I took her hand and placed her phone angrily on her palm. She frowned looking at it, but didn't do anything.

"Go home. I-I'll stay with M-Marcus, he will take me home later." she said and walked away with the can of beer in her hand. Neha, I absolutely hate you right now! I made my way to the entrance and walked outside. I should have taken my own car. That was exactly what I was going to do next time. Hesitantly I started walking down the street, looking around me to see if anyone was there or if anyone was following me. I was really scared, especially those days. I heard on TV that there were some criminals around the city and it wasn't safe for anyone anymore, especially for a 19-year-old girl walking alone in the middle of the night in a bad neighbourhood like this.

Now I hate them even more. What if anything happens to me?You'll be fine, my inner voice said.

"Oh god." I whispered lowering my head and exhaling deeply.

"Come back, you bastard." I heard someone yell and I jumped in my spot.

I heard glass shattering and more screams. I looked around me panicked.

This isn't good. This is so not good.

I sped up my pace and I thought that I was safe until I heard another sound. Then I started running, in hopes to get away from all this, but I eventually ended up in a dark alley. I rested my body on the wall and stayed like that for a while until my breathing came back to its normal state and my heart stopped pounding like crazy against my chest. But just when I thought I was safe, from the end of the alley appeared a figure running towards me.I froze in my place. I couldn't move a muscle, and things got worse when another man, who I think was chasing the first one, appeared.

"You can't leave." said the second man when he reached the first one.

I was still in my spot, looking at them with my brown eyes wide open as the stronger one started beating the other one to death. I wanted to look away and run, but for some strange reason I couldn't as my eyes were glued on them.

"Please, I have a family." said the one who was lying on the ground, helpless. The one who had curly hair, from what I could see, punched him in the face again, showing no mercy.

"You should have thought of that before you decided not to bring me my money." said the chocolate haired one and punched him one more time, leaving him there dead on the ground with a pool of blood around his body. I placed my hand in front of my mouth to stop myself from screaming out loud and shook my head in complete shock.

When the blood touched my shoes, I realised how close I actually was and I freaked out again turning my gaze back to the two men. The chocolate haired one took a few steps away from the lifeless body of the poor man and wiped away the blood from his face, making me cringe. Then all of a sudden his head turned to me and my blood froze in my veins. He took a few steps closer, until his face was visible in the moonlight, and that's when I was met with evil's eyes.

So guys this is the new story I'm starting well give your views on this...
If I should continue it or not...
I know that it doesn't have the cover but... cover isn't ready yet coz Tapshi_kriyaansh well she is a bit busy right now because of her exams so....
I hope I'll be done soon.

But other than that give me your views

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