[9] Unknown tears.

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Jin was enjoying himself on a chair while he sipped on his tea looking out the window. He stayed there for only a moment when he heard a knock on the door. He didn't rush to the door seeing that he knew Jimin got off of work. He set down his mug of tea before opening the door to be met with a sobbing Jimin.

"W-wha Jimin what happened." Jin didn't even think twice before bringing the younger into a hug feeling his tears soak into his shirt.

"H-he's not gay." Jimin didn't even go into detail about why he was crying yet Jin didn't care he saw a friend who needed help so he did.  Jimin has no idea why he was sobbing, maybe he was in love with Hoseok.

"What do you mean? Who isn't gay?" Jin pushed back from the hug a little to wipe the tears from under Jimin's eyes trying to calm him down.

"He's going out with a girl." Jimin cried even harder pushing past his Hyung throwing his body on the couch face in a pillow.

"Wait who?" Jin shook his head locking the front door before walking over to the small crying male on his couch. Taking a seat right next to Jimin.

"Why am I jealous, I just met him and why her." Jimin lifted his body up to lean against Jin not really answering any of Jin's questions. Yet somehow Jin knew just by the fact that they just met.

"Are you talking about Hoseok?" Jin felt the younger in his arms crawl more into a ball in his arms crying harder. Jin could feel how embarrassed Jimin is right now just by him being really quiet.

"I don't know what to feel, I'm jealous. I didn't know I liked him until he brought up Jenny." Jimin sat back up wiping the tears from under his eyes trying to call himself down. He knew he would never get someone like Hoseok, so he had no idea why he was telling Jin.

"It's okay do you know how many times I've cried because of Namjoon like its crazy how that man alone can make me feel all sorts of things." Jin rubbed circles in Jimin's back, wiping away stray tears.

"Maybe I'm just jealous he has a girlfriend, that has to be it I mean I can't like Hoseok." Jimin kinda mumbled, he stayed in Jin's arms a little longer before any one talked.

"Hey! I'm going to make us food." Jimin nodded and smiled at Jin's gesture knowing he was starving since he didn't have time to eat.

Jin walked off into the kitchen leaving the no longer crying Jimin in the living room. Jimin played with his phone for a little hearing the door swing open yet he wasn't paying attention.

"Why." Jimin wines jumping at the sound of the door slamming shut.

"Jimin what's wrong." The sadly familiar voice rang through Jimin's ears. He looked up to see Hoseok newly dyed black hair which looks so hot. It makes Jimin extremely sad that he can't even make eye contact with the older.

"You, you are the problem." Jimin didn't mean it but he was upset which made him mad.

"What did I do, was it something I said at the cafe?" Hoseok tried to sit down next to Jimin on the couch but was upset when Jimin scooted away.

"I-I'm sorry." Hoseok was mad that Jimin wasn't telling him what he did to make him upset.

"Oh Hoseok hey! Uh come help me with dinner." Hoseok nods rubbing Jimin's shoulder before leaving him alone.

"We need to talk....it's about Jimin."

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