[24] Jealosy fights

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Hoseok was a new level of crazy when it came to alcohol. His closest friends would say he becomes a different person, different in the sense he becomes abusive. Jin found out these last times he got drunk was because he was jealous of what other people had.

He was abusive towards Jimin due to the fact Jimin might of found 'love.' Jin came to that conclusion on the soul fact that Jimin showed feelings towards someone and they showed them back. Hoseok was jealous because he doesn't love Jenny and she sure as hell doesn't love him back.

They were still dating meeting rarely on the weekends to just have something to do. They would also sleep around until....

"She has a WHAT?!?!" Jin's over reacting mouth screams slamming his hands down on the table.

"She has an std." That's right the sleep around Jenny who was suppose to only sleep with the std free Hoseok. He found out once he woke up with a major head ache from drinking the night before and we all know how that turned out.

"She tried to convince me that I gave her it but last time I got checked I was clean. So now I have to get tested again to make sure I'm still clean." He wasn't freaking out as much as Jin was due to the fact he had a killer headache and Jin was in the middle of making him a remedy.

"I don't have time for this...did you end things?" He heard foot steps coming from the hall so he walked over to the fridge to grab a banana milk which Jimin drinks mostly every morning.

"Who has an std?" Jimin came in rubbing his eyes, pink hair thrown about curly showing his forehead.

"His girlfriend!" Jin yelled handing Jimin the banana along with a pink disposable straw.

"Woah." Jimin yawns not forgetting what happened last night so he sat across at the dinner table while Hoseok sat at the bar.

"Why don't you sit at the bar." Jin patted at the table so they would all be closer and talk easier.

"Well Jin as you know Hoseok beat me and Yoongi up and he might have an std so I'll stay here." He stabbed the foil top with the straw glaring at Hoseok when he did so.

"Oh yeah....Jin told me about that and I don't know how to apologize I feel like saying sorry isn't enough." He looks down playing with the drawstring of his sweatpants before softly looking up to meet Jimin's adorable brown eyes.

"Well saying sorry to me and Yoongi could be a start." He took a sip of the mild before checking the time on his watch.

"I'm sorry." He made sure to keep eye contact with the younger while he did so showing his absolute apology.

"Now say it to Yoongi. Anyway I should get ready for work." He walked down to his room to get ready.

His work day consisted of Namjoon dropping everything with a mixture of tripping and falling. Jimin was fine and went through the whole time like usual nothing really happens except the occasional flirty looks which were provided from every thirsty girl In town.

The high school girls would go to the cafe after school because everyone told them about two hot guys working there yet they had no idea there were two hot gay guys working there.

Namjoon was getting bored with the girls trying to flirt who of which were under age maybe freshman at the least. The seniors knew better than to stalk the men at the cafe even though some of them were dumb.

"Hey uh I was wondering if you know I could have your number." A semi pretty girl with long blonde hair, cute pink framed glasses along with a pink clip in her hair asked fluttering her lashes.

"Huh no im sorry I can't give my number out while I'm working." Namjoon always tries to be nice to the girl who would ask seeing as that he could get fired for giving out his number no matter if his mom owned the place.

"Or I could give you mine and you could call me." She grinned flipping her hair about to pick up the pen which was stopped by Namjoon.

"You see that won't work either." Yet he was getting a little tired of all these girls chasing him so this had to stop at some point.

"What do you mean I thought I was pretty." And there was the self hate bullshit girls tried to pull to get the boy to feel bad which almost got Namjoon until Jimin shot him a glare.

"You are! it's just I have a boyfriend." He felt bad for the girl but he knew the girls would stop flocking after him.

Which was true she let out a little "oh" before turning and going to Jimin.

"What about you would you like my number?" She smiled holding her phone up to her chest.

"Ah you see I might not have a boyfriend but I'm gay so I'm sorry." Jimin didn't feel so bad just happy these girls would stop flirting with them. They knew the girls would still come because who would love a couple gay guys.

"Ugh fags." Her attitude changed real fast when they wouldn't accept her love. She went from cute freshman to homophobic ass bitch who wanted trouble.

"What did you just say." Jimin shot his head up to see a beautiful sight. A tall familiar man with freshly died black silk hair stood in front of the now terrified girl his voice was strong and demanding coming from the handsome Jungkook.

He crossed his arms waiting for a response not letting her go.

"Uh Uh n-nothing." She stuttered terrified by the man who stood glaring in front of her.

As for Jimin he was being held back by the arm by Namjoon seeing as Jungkook's reputation wasn't the best yet Jimin knew he was a good person. He moved around until Namjoon let go of his arm yet staying back.

"I heard you say something homophobic and that's not cool. I believe in not hitting girls but if you continue to act like a bitch then I might have to." He glared one more time watching her head nod fast before leaving the cafe along with a large group of girls who were terrified.

"Jimin we can't keep meeting like this." He giggled by this point Namjoon relaxed a little softening his glance toward the younger.

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