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"Gotham city...it's been a while." J smirked,  swerving his lambo on the highway.

Harley smiled, "I've really missed it. Ya think everyone forgot about us?"

"Oh baby...If they have, we'll just have to remind them."

J stepped down harder on the gas pedal, checking to see if his children, Brielle and Jax, were keeping up.  Sure enough, he spotted Brielle's pink lambo and Jax's navy blue one a ways back.

"Ahh, home sweet home." J whispered as he passed the Welcome to Gotham City  sign.

They received some odd looks from people as the three cars raced through the streets, headed to J and Harley's old house. The house that had been vacant for years.

Gotham City had been (almost) crime free for 18 years. After Harley had the twins, the couple had decided to live off in a secluded area, where their children would be safe. In Gotham, they would be in constant danger of the bat. J and Harley had trained them for every situation, and they were now able to defend themselves if anything happened. People had attempted to one up J and Harley's reputation during their absence, but had all been captured by the bat. Nobody was as good as the clown couple.

"I wonder how batman will react!" Harley giggled.

"I can't wait to see the look on his face...we're back baby." J said, roughly grabbing Harley's face and kissing her. "Gotham city is really in for a surprise."

They all parked in the large driveway, and J stepped inside of his house. "18 years, and nothing has changed."

Harley came up from behind him, wrapping her arms around his torso. "Home sweet home."

Jax came up, "damn...I wish we lived here. This place is amazing!" He said, running to jump on the couch.

J rolled his eyes, whispering something into Harley's ear, dragging her into the kitchen.

Brielle timidly walked in, "Jax, come upstairs with me!" She exclaimed.

"But, look at this tv!" He exclaimed, pointing to the tv. It took up the entire wall.

"Please?" She begged.

"Alright, but fast. I can't wait to watch a movie on this."

They slowly made their way through the house, it was huge. Brielle was fascinated, and opened every single door she could find. "No way.." She exclaimed.

"A fucking pool!" Jax yelled, running into the pool room.

"We can swim later, come on! I want to look at the rest of the house."

They continued up to the third floor, where all of the bedrooms were located. They each had their own room prepared for them, thanks to J's henchmen. Once again, they opened every single door with curiosity.

Brielle frowned when she came to a door that was locked, down by their parents room.

"Go in." Jax urged.

"It's locked."

"There's gotta be a key somewhere around here." Jax said, searching around the doorframe.

"I mean, it must be locked for a reason. I don't think we should go in there."

"Fine, if youre too scared, suit yourself. Don't go in. But I am." Jax said, opening the door to J and Harleys room. He opened the dressers, searching through them for a key. When he had no luck, he searched in the nightstand drawers.

"Bingo." He said, showing his sister a small, silver key in the shape of a skull. "This has to be it."

Jax walked back to the door, attempting to unlock it. "Jax, I don't think its a good idea-"

"Too late." He said, jiggling the knob and opening the door. It was pitch black. Jax ran his hand along the wall, searching for a lightswitch. His hand ran over a bump on the wall, and he pressed it. A dim light began to illuminate the room.

"Oh, my god. Oh my god." Brielle said, immediately shielding her eyes.

Jax's jaw dropped, "Holy shit, dad had a torture room?"

"I wish I never saw that." Brielle said, walking back into the hall.

"This never happened." Jax whispered, laughing. "We'd get in so much trouble."

The twins walked downstairs into the large living room, where Harley and J lay watching the Gotham news.

"Nothing about us yet." Harley said.

"Oh, what a shame. We should change that, shouldn't we?" J smirked.

"Lets made headline history!" Brielle exclaimed.

J looked at his children, "Ready for tonight?" He asked them.

Jax smirked, looking at his sister, "we were born ready."

"We leave at 9pm sharp. Pack why you need for a night of adventure." J turned to Harley, "our new life begins tonight."


Welcome to the sequel of Crazy! I will try to update as often as I can. I️m still working on making the cover for this book, but I was just in a rush for post this first chapter for you guys! So yes, I️ do promise that I will design a better cover. 😂

Don't forget to vote! 💕

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