Few years ago


"Mmm?" came the reply.

"I was reading-"

"Course you were 'Mione!"

"Oh be quiet Ronald! As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted," said Hermione, throwing a glare at her best friend. "Did you have a sister named Herm Walburga black?"

Hermione and Ron lent forward in curiosity at the answer but Sirius's eyes glazed over in a dreamy trance like way.

"Hello?" Ron shouted at Sirius who doubled over and fell to the floor in the most elegant way possible.

"Ah, yes I did. Her name was Hermione Walburga Black. You probably cannot see her full name when Walburga burnt my name off," Sirius sighed.

"What happened to her?" Ron asked.

"Killed. Slaughtered. Whatever you would call carving the Dark Mark into someone's forehead and leaving them to die," Sirius replied simply but you could tell this was a touchy subject.

"Well?" Hermione pressed on.

"Well if you must. Hermione was my best friend in all ways. She went missing in our last year of Hogwarts and we found her on graduation day, lying face down in the Forbidden Forest with Voldermort's mark on her forehead. When Bellatrix found out, well I don't think I'd ever seen her face show so much guilt and anger. She had raced outside and laid Hermione's face down on her lap while she stroked her hair. She had become unstable after that and slowly became insane. It's one of the reasons Bella hates me so much- I failed to protect Hermione and we looked too similar," Sirius said, his voice cracking with emotion.

"Here," said Sirius as he passed a picture to her, two girls stood with eight boys, one girl's arms draped around Sirius and kissing the cheek of another. Saying she was pretty was an understatement, she was drop dead gorgeous. Her height was one thing though, she towered above everybody and she was wearing flat soles. Hermione guessed the Harry look alike was James, Sirius was well.... Sirius, Pettigrew was the fatty, Lily was the beautiful red head and Remus was the shy looking boy Sirius's sister was kissing.

"Wow..." Hermione murmured.

Sirius chuckled softly, "She was a marauder but we removed her from the map to stop us crying every time we opened it," Remus said, coming out of the floo. "It probably broke Sirius the most."

"Not really, morelike you," came the reply.

Present Day

"RON!" screamed Hermione, running across the castle grounds as Death Eaters were shooting green spells from all directions. Her boyfriend slid lifelessly down to the floor.

Tears streamed down her grimy mud caked cheeks. She grabbed onto his head and cried like there was no tomorrow. She glanced around for her best friend- Harry Potter- only to see him duelling with the Dark Lord himself.


"No! I've come to see the end of you!" shouted Harry, bracing himself. Hermione screamed at Harry for being such a numpty but her pleas fell on deaf ears.

Voldemort sent the first spell, then the next but Harry blocked each one and everyone stopped to watch. It looked as though Voldemort wouldn't make it until he shot the death spell before her very eyes. Harry was unprepared and it struck him in the chest.

"HARRY!" she heard Ginny yell and her heart went out to the poor girl.

Racing over to the body of Harry Potter, she pressed to fingers to his wrist.

There was no pulse.

She collapsed on the floor in pain at the loss of her loved ones when a masked Death Eater came and shot her with a purple spell and before long she was falling like Alice in Wonderland...

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