Chapter 19 The Final Assault

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All the royalty started to announce themselves.

"Leoren, current ruler of the Diamond Empire."

"Frederick the Grey, Leader of the Silver Empire."

"Stephanie, newly appointed Empress of the Porcelain Empire."

"Chester, Eyes and Ears for my Lady Stephanie."

"Craig... a giant bear."

Steven stepped up, "We are here today to stop Balasar from taking over Tohnilys." He turned to Frederick. "Sir, hopefully you understand that I must be the one to face him. With his power, no one here. Will be able to stop him."

Frederick just stared at him with straight face.

"I've seen this battle play out several times, not just in my dreams, throughout this day."

Frederick stared for a bit longer then finally said, "I guess it'd be better if I stayed at the front of the army."

Steven sighed with relief, "Good, sir. Now, strategy."

They talked about battle plans and formation.


After getting everyone in formation, Steven stood in front along Rose, Torinn, Cassandra, Stephanie and Chester, Frederick, and Leoren all looking at the army. The Silver army volunteered to be front line right alongside the shapeshifters who were mostly lions and wolves. Behind them was the Porcelain army stationed right in front of the Elvish Cavalry.

"Everyone here is fighting for something different... yet we all have the same goal." Steven said to himself.

"Yes," Rose said. "and its all because of you." He looked at her and out of happiness just gave her a hug.

"Thank you, Rose... for everything." He turned around to see the entire Dragonborn Army. They were all uniform, no commander or any type of leadership.With all four armies, the Dragonborn looked about equal to them in size.

"Balasar is still inside." Steven turned to Stephanie, "The power you used to get here, I need you to teleport us into the Capital, near the prison."

She took a deep breath, "I figured you'd ask me this. You should know it takes a lot of power, especially with this big of a group. At least one of us would have to stay back."

They looked at Chester. "I must be by her side at all times," he said. "No exceptions."

"I'll stay!" Everyone turned to see Cassie with her bow in hand. "I'll stay in the front line."

"Are-are you sure?" Steven was caught off guard.

She smiled, "What? Didn't see that coming?"

His face turned red. "I-I-"

"Steven!" Stephanie yelled. "We have to hurry."

"Okay." He turned to Cassie and gave her a hug, "Good luck."

Stephanie raised her scepter and slammed the heel on the ground, a flash of light flared from her and the group disappeared leaving the rest of the royals and Cassie. As soon as they disappeared, the entire Dragonborn army charged towards the other armies. Cassie stood beside Frederick, Leoren and Craig. She looked at the elvish emblem. She raised it up high and uttered the word, "Ignite."

As soon as she said this, the emblem shone bright as every weapon in there army ignited into flame. Everyone looked at there weapons in amazement as they touched the fire without burning themselves. Even the shapeshifter's claws and fangs were on fire.

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