Fitness Junkies

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Another category that rules the charts of social media. Fitness junkies.
They have the best bodies you'd ever wish for. Their abs can be seen miles away and they always have the best work out videos. Healthy food plans and gym pictures line their accounts. Smiling faces and weights always featured.
Sohn Hyunwoo.
He has one of the best bodies you'll see floating on the web. Easy work outs line up his page with colorful, healthy foods. Gym buddies fill his page. Countless shirtless pictures are scattered and he's got the best ass from squats ever. He's eats perfectly and is the definition of healthy.
But he really isn't. He hides behind the screen being only who people want to see. Does he even eat the food he shows? Does he not feel the pain of countless workouts? The screen separates him from his struggles.
It's where he hides.

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