The Boy Who Dreamt Of Touching The Sky

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The Boy Who Dreamt Of Touching The Sky

There once was a boy who dreamt of climbing a mountain and touching the vast, blue sky. This boys name was Alex, his eyes where full of stars and his smile brighter than the sunrise against the ocean water. Alex's hair was a soft brownish red and it always fell perfectly into place.

As Alex grew older, he studied the mountains that he lived around and ended up training to climb them, starting with the small mountains to work his way up to the biggest mountain around him. By the time Alex was 15 he was able to climb the 2nd tallest mountain.

Alex planned out the day after school got out he would pack his things and scale the mountain himself. He was tired on waiting people to help him achieve his dreams. It wasn't fair for them to put times to his dreams, it just wasn't fair!

Alex wrote a note to his parents and left it onto the door as he threw his heavy cotton coat on and ran, grabbing his bike. He tucked his phone into his pocket and quickly rode the two miles it took to get to the mountain. He grinned as he ended up at the base of the mountain. "I'm actually doing this..." his whispered, lips parted as he looked up the tall mountain. His eyes still had that spark in them as they did when he was a child.

It took Alex the whole day and night to get up to the top of the mountain. He wanted to give up halfway through, legs shaking and ready to give out under him. His hands lost grip multiple times, threatening him with death everytime they did so. When Alex finally made it to the top he stared down at his town that looked like a small lego town.

Alex sat on the top of the mountain, taking in the purely beautiful scenery around him. He took deep breaths and grinned happily. He did it, he achieved his dreams....he finally did it. He grabbed his phone and took pictures of the breathtaking view before gently tucking his phone into his cotton jacket and turning around to climb back down.

Alex let out a loud screech as his jacket got snagged on a jagged rock jetting out of the place he was sitting. He was sent flying of the mountain, his blood curdling screams could be heard for miles. He got light headed and his heart raced faster and faster before he passed out from sheer panic. As he fell cotton from his jacket flowed up into the air and grouped together, creating the first clouds. Alex's heart gave out before he hit the ground as he hit the ground every bone in his body could be heard snapping and a rose of blood swirled around him.


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