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Anxiety is a hard thing to live with. I envy the people who don't suffer from anxiety. The best way to describe it is that nervous feeling you get when you're about to take a test, or asking some out, times 100. It's awful, not being able to order food just because you can't force yourself to do it. Ordinary things become challenges, and life just becomes a constant barrage of nervousness and stress over even the smallest thing. I personally suffer from social anxiety, meaning one of the hardest things for me to do is go up and talk to a stranger. It is not being nervous around a pretty girl, it's being to scared to raise your hand to ask a teacher for help. It's ignoring texts and phone calls, simply because you can't talk to people. I get panic attacks, and they're one of the worst things I've ever experienced. It's like my whole world is crashing down, and I can't control anything. The worst panic attack I ever had was at a dance, and some of my friends forced me into the center of the dance floor, where everyone was watching me. I felt like I was going to pass out. My entire body locked up, before I bolted outside. I could feel how high my heart rate was, and I felt sick. A panic attack is your brain being unable to deal with the current situation and shutting down, pushing your body into survival mode. Sometimes all that means is going into a school bathroom and freaking out. And to anyone who makes fun of someone with anxiety or forces them into a situation they can't handle, fuck you. You don't understand what it's like, and you're making nothing better. Anxiety is a horrible thing for a person to deal with, and I have great respect for anyone who does.

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