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I have now adopted a beautiful son.

Who is currently 6 years old.

His name is Daehwi.

Jeon Daehwi.

I come to school to school to pick him up and when I see him a bright smile paints my face.

"Daehwi over here!" I said waving my arms.

"Dad!" Daehwi screamed jumping in my arms.

"Hey little guy! did you have a good day at school?" I said ruffling his hair.

"Yes! I need to ask you a question dada" He said climbing in the car.

"Okay ask me at home okay?" I said starting up the engine.

"yep~" he said smiling.

Life was good.

-At home-

"Daehwi what was the question you wanted to ask me?" I said looking at him.

"Dad... Why don't I have a mummy?" He said looking at me sadly.

"W-what?" I choke on my water.

"Today the teacher asked us to write something for our parents. She said we make one card for mummy and daddy. But I only have a daddy. Wheres my mummy?" He said on the verge of crying.

"Hey.. Calm down okay? Your "Mum" is in a special place right now. Do you want to visit her?" I said to him.

"Yes dad. I want to see her!" He said jumping up.

"Alright lets go."

-At the graveyard.-

"Dad.. where are we?" Daehwi said looking around.

"Come here this is where mummy is." I said grabbing his hand.

"Shes right here." I said pointing to a grave stone.

"I dont see her." Daehwi said.

"I know boy. No one can. But don't worry. She can listen and see us from the sky. And thats all that matters." I said rubbing his hair.

"C-can I talk to mummy?" He said.

"Go ahead. Say whatever you like." I said smiling at him.

"Mummy... I wish you were here right now. It doesn't feel good not having a mummy like the other kids. But its okay! Daddy takes great care of me! and maybe in the future I'll have a sibling to play with! Wouldn't that be awesome mummy? Anyway im still small so I dont know what to say hehe but mummy I miss you a lot like alot alot please come back! I want to do all the things mummy does with their kids. I haven't met you but i love you a lot mummy!" he yelled with joy.

"Good boy." I said.

"She heard me right daddy?" He said with hopeful eyes.

"Yes my boy. She heard you" I said smiling.

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