The Man on the street

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While on my way home I can't help but think about Mr. Min. It's not that I'm interested in him or anything. It's just the way he acts and talks seem to be ancient. I don't know how to explain it. It's the same vibe I sometimes feel with Jungkook and Jimin. There's something very different about them that sets them apart from an ordinary human.

After I got off the bus I walk to the direction of my apartment. Thankfully it is not dark yet. As I was passing near an obscure street I accidentally bumped into someone. I feel on the pavement hard.

"Oh, sorry! I didn't see you!"

The man spoke worriedly. When l look up I saw a man just a few years older than me. He has a bright facial features and cheerful aura around him. He offered his hand to help me stand up.

"It's okay. I'm the one who should be sorry because I'm not looking where I'm going." I said kindly.

He smiled brightly at me. "Still, I should be sorry because you fell. Does it hurt?" he was awkwardly pointing at my butt. I instantly blushed when I saw him looking at my bottom.

"Ah,  no. I'm fine really." I answered shyly.

"Your beautiful." he said while staring at my face. Wahhh. This guy is something. "By the way I'm Hoseok. But you can call me Hobi."

"I'm Seokjin. I have a boyfriend." I answered him. I just feel the need to tell him that.

He laughed loudly upon hearing my words. "You're cute." he said while still laughing. He moved towards to playfully pat my head. But before his hand can touch my hair he suddenly stopped and stiffened. He begun to sniff around me. Then, his eyes widen in fear. He quickly moved back to keep a good distance between us.

I got confused by his action. Do I small bad? What is it with people sniffing me? Jimin also does it all the time. "Is something wrong Hoseok-sshi?" I asked.

He looked at me with serious face. Gone were the playful guy a while ago. "Nothing. Just, be careful. Especially of the people around you. Don't give your trust so easily."

I looked at him strangely. What is he on to?

"You should go, it's getting dark. Goodbye Seokjin-sshi. Til I see you again." Then he started to run away.

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