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Rounds is the method the admins decided to use to determine the winners. There will be three rounds of elimination. Take note, one shots and fanfiction novels will be separated accordingly.

✦ ROUND 1: ✮ Admins will pick the top twenty to thirty books from the number of votes given from each category. This will allow good fanfics to pass, and those that were eliminated may improve. The eliminated contestants may join the next Watty Awards contest.

✦ ROUND 2: ✮ Stories are chosen by public voting, allowing us to see the supportive readers of each book. Each category would either have five to ten winners while the rest are eliminated and may join the next Watty Awards competition.

✦ ROUND 3: ✯ The judges will then pick the best three stories from each main categories as champions. The eliminated contestants may join the next Watty Awards contest.

The dates of each round will be posted on the bio, so please take note, sweeties.

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