Bruce: You Were Mine

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Downing, yet another, straight shot of whiskey, you felt a hand on your shoulder

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Downing, yet another, straight shot of whiskey, you felt a hand on your shoulder.

"May want to slow down, kid," Tony warned.

You ignored him, ordering another and turning to watch the display at the other table.

"He was mine..," you whispered. "What's wrong with me," you asked loudly, to no one in particular.

"Dont talk like that. There isn't anything the matter with you, kid."

Rolling your eyes, you down that shot too.

"Listen, I trust Bruce with all his decisions, but this one...this one I don't agree with. It just doesn't work for them." He took a sip of his drink, "Now you two, that was perfect."

You looked down, not wanting him to notice how emotionally weak you felt.

"It's Nat, I wouldn't have felt so bad had he left me for someone kinda like myself, but he left me for someone perfect," you tried not choking on your tears.

"You are perfect too."

"Not perfect enough to keep Bruce."

"Look, sometimes we do stupid things and overlook and ignore the ones we love and the ones best For us cause we think whatever is on the other side is better. It isn't until we get to that side that we see we were wrong all along and by that point it's too late. He'll realize that he was wrong, but it'll be too late for him. There's someone out there better for you, who wouldn't leave you. They'll see just how perfect you are and won't trade it for the world."

You couldn't help but stand up and hug him with a smile as big as the galaxy. Tony could be arrogant and an egomaniac, but he had a way with words and being able to help people up when they were down.

"Thanks, Tony," you smiled, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek, smiling as you sat back down, knowing you'd be okay.

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