Last Friday Night.

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Percys P.o.v
Olympian Throne Room.

"Lord Zeus as a final wish I wish to die. I want my life to end." I spoke clearly. Everyone gasped and Started to cry. After Dad got over his shock he spoke quietly and softly "Why what's wrong son?" I sighed and sat on the floor "A few months after the titan war a new camper arrived he was a son of Hercules and let he tell you his Father would've been proud. He was a self obsessed, egotistical jerk. I was on border patrol when it I saw him. He was running away from two hellhounds. Now he had Herculean Strength. I found this out later. Anyways I ran down and killed the hellhounds and asked if he was ok, by this point the campers were started to come look for what was making a noise, he took riptide and picked he in the chest breaking one for my ribs and then pushed me over. He then proclaimed that he killed thirty of them while I sat and watched, some of the younger campers belived him not everybody else. From their onwards he started spreading rumours about me things like me saying the Aphrodite campers were useless and weak, when everybody knows that I wouldn't say that I even started teaching them all in all their weapons apart form the bows. When he realised rumours weren't doing anything's he took it a step further he started stealing things and pinning it on me. On one occasion he decided to get a pair of my boots, which were to small for his feet, and stop all the way through the Demeter Garden and leave a trail to my cabin. This was affective and he started doing it more and more. The only people i had left were Grover, Thalia, Nico and Annabeth. I went to Athena to get permission to marry her daughter and she sent me on a very dangerous quest, and I must say that this is one of the only titles im proud to have. The mission was to get some apples from Heras tree, but that isn't what Athena wanted that was a side-quest ifbthe first part was completed. What she wanted me to do was defeat Landon. I trained for months in everything's I trained powers, physically and mentally. I went on the quest 2 months later and fought Landon. I saw on the styx that I wasn't after his apples and that I wanted to just fight him. Yet that Athena wanted proof of his defeat and to bring an apple, he was fine and he knew I would use his tree and was after a fight with him. After a good 4 hours I was severely injured and even poisoned by Landon but he only had 3 heads left. I knew I didn't want to actually kill him so I only took off two of his last three. He submitted knowing I could kill him. He let me have some apples and gave me the title 'Bester of Landon Gaurdian of Heras Tree.' I was thankful but passed out thanks to the poison. I was in a coma for about two weeks as Landon and the Hesperidites healed me. It was pretty cool aswell as I spent the next two weeks being trained by Landon and the Hesperidites although I didn't get to finish it. So I returned back to Camp with people glaring at me and shoving me and cutting me with swords and stuff. I went to the beach to find Annabeth. I heard moaning, not normal moaning like sexual moaning coming from the woods I ignored it thinking I do not want to be apart of that and walked away. Then when they finished and I was sitting in the beach I heard then talking The guy said 'Babe when are you gonna break up with that loser. We've been doing it behind his back since I got here' that made me angry it was Max Hercules' Son but the part that made my blood really boil was the response it was Annabeth she said 'I can't believe he hasn't noticed I was only using him for the fame and popularity. I mean seriously we've been together for like 3 years and he doesn't even have sex with me it's always I want to wait until I'm married and BS I've been sleeping around behind his back since he first said it. I mean I even had to get like 3 abortions from kids that aren't his. But when he gets back I'll defo break up with him'" Everyone looked at Athena to see her reaction but she just looked pissed. I thought it was at me but what she said surprised all of us "Urgh my no good daughter. Using one of the only decent men alive I should disown her for being so stupid!" She must've realised what she said because she went bright gold in embarrassment "Does Athena have a crush on her daughter's ex and a sea-spawn?" Hermes asked and everyone laughed again even Artermis chuckled a bit, once again Athena "Shut up idiot im just annoyed at my brainless daughter" and flashed away. Zeus spoke and said "Continue Perseus" I wanted to retort and say it's Percy but just forgot about it and continued "Well that really annoyed me and i got a bit angry, nevermind alot angry. I might've caused a massive earthquake and a few hurricanes and makes the waved grow. That seemed to alert them of my presence and Annabeth had the Gall to say it wasn't what it looked like. I think I scared the poor couple to be honest because all of my father's domains were going crazy and I spoke in a normal tone I ended up showing her the ring that Lord Hephaestus made, sorry about this part Lord Hephaestus, and threw it in the air and cut it in half and walked away. I packed my bag left a note and left to go Home. I went to my mother's apartment and told her what happened at camp and that I was coming here. But I did tell her that I may be gone for a while but that decision was in your hands" Athena had returned when I picked up the story. "And that's where I left off before I cane here to ask for death. So what do you saw Lord Zeus can you fulfil my last request?" He looked thoughtful then grinned. He looked at the rest of the council and I thought 'Must be discussing with their mind's' . They all nodded and dad looked thrilled.

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