Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

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Percys P.O.V

As if reading my mind Hestia appeared and sighed and said "They left you didn't they?" I nodded "Would you like to stay with me Percy?" I just nodded again "Ok come along." I nodded and walked over she put her hand on my shoulder and I closed my eyes yet nothing happened I still had my eyes closed "You know for a god of wisdom you sure are slow. Your a god now Percy you don't need to close your eyes you sent going to disintegrate". I dropped my head and said "Hestia your supposed to be my favourite Aunty like the kind that makes you blue cookies when it's raining not like Aunty Hera who wants to blast and makes fun of you every second." She slapped the bad of my head "Don't talk about your family like that Percy." I sighed "Yes Mom" she chuckled at my blatant sarcasm. She flashed us away to her palace "Your training should start in two days so you have tomorrow to yourself so try to get out and about. " I nodded and asked "Umm is their somewhere I can rest I'm really sleepy?" She laughed lightly "Yes Percy. Go upstairs and go down the first corridor then your room should be the last door on the Right" I yawned and left to go to bed.


I woke up in Hestias spare bedroom. I got dressed and walked downstairs to find Hestia cooking breakfast. We talked over breakfast and I found out that over my time training I have to learn how to use every domain in every possible way and that the Fates said it's true possibilities that everybody knows about but that each domain has secrets that you normally learn from it's predecessor or somebody with a similar domain, she also said that each domain is part of a river of power and the more power you have the more connected you are to that domain so your eyes normally represent your strongest domain, I asked what my eyes ment because they are a ying yang of black and Gold and she said she has no idea as Kronos had complete gold eyes and the gold could represent that but she doesn't know about the black I suggested that it might be that I'm either half as strong as Kronos with my domain and connection or I have more power so my eyes turned black or maybe I have another domain that is so strong that the two are fighting for dominance and settled with being equal, she liked my theory and agreed and then i started to laugh "Why are you laughing Percy?" I looked at her and spoke "I'm a Wisdom God I just accidently used my domain to create that theory without meaning to." This made her laugh as well. If you don't understand it, my domains follow a certain link their all about my past as a demi-god so my domains act like my demi-god powers I can use them when ever I want eventually I'll become like Dionysus and have my domain in constant use. But for now I have to tap into each domain. Hestia said by the end of training I should be able to use my domains fully without having to tap into them. We basically spent the whole day getting me used to being a God. Apparently Annabeth is designing my Palace when I get revealed by the council in a few weeks. So anyways I was going to bed early so we can start my training.

Time Skip ~3 Weeks~

I was fighting with using my domain over earth with Hades, I had grown alot stronger in my domains and could do everything the Fates said I could do, I once changed the whole underworld different shades of blue and to say Hades was pissed would be an understatement, my excuse was I was training and lost control he bought it and said to be careful but once he left I made sure all the Olympians saw. Anyways I was just finishing training when we were summoned for the winter council meeting. I turned to Hades who nodded and we flashed to Olympus I hid behind my Fathers throne and waited for the campers

Thalia P.O.V

It had been 3 Weeks since Percy left and everyone had been happy, well, apart from Me, Nico and Grover. Anyway It was the winter Solstace and the Campers and Hunters were heading to Olympus to hear the Gods bicker like children.

The ride their was infuriating Max and Annabitch were making out the whole way their they were touching each other and were basically having sex with their clothes on. In front of EVERYBODY yet nobody cared. So here we sat driving to Olympus.

When we got to the Empire State Building I practically ran for the front desk. Before I could even speak he said "Reservation for Floor 600?" He sighed when I nodded "Here you go Kid." He gave me the card and I sprinted for the elevator when the campers were in the elevator we left

When we were walking around Olympus i looked at it in disgust she made it that bitch did. Urgh stupid brain spawn. We walked into the Throne room and we all seemed to notice the new throne added it looked pretty bad-ass if i do say so myself it was blue and had swords around it's base and had lots of different symbol 16 to be exact, are those to represent their domain? I thought to myself. We were to busy looking at the Throne to see the Gods looking at us in a mix if humour and disgust. We also noticed that Poseidon, Artemis, Athena and Hephaestus were glaring at Max and Annabeth. Finally Zeus spoke "Demi-Gods we have once again brought you to Olympus to witness our winter Solstace. As most have realised a new God had been Added to the Council if he'll show himself now?" I heard a chuckle resonate throughout the Throne room "Of course Lord Zeus." He sounded pleased and like he was a fun guy all of a sudden the ground (the dirt etc.) Started moving towards the new throne "And people saw I didn't inherit dear Uncles theatrics." The voice spoke as the person formed from what we could see he had black sneakers, black and Gold pants and a black short with gold trimmings with a white shirt underneath his skin finally formed and k was shocked it was Percy. We all looked dumbfounded "Hello again campers, Max, AnnieBitch." He spoke Cheerfully, I looked at Annabeth to see her pass out when Percy burst out laughing "Sorry sorry my domain is at it again." Some of the Olympians, mainly my father, Hades and Ares, face paled at this "and what are your domains Seaweed Brain?" Annabeth asked in a sweet tone shouldn't have done that I thought as Percy glared at her in a matter of seconds he was infrount of her with a knife at her throught "call me that again and I don't care about tge Anchient Law I will strike you as you are in my domain bitch" he spoke in Her ear although everyone could hear it.  Percy transformed into earth and was in his throne once again. My father coughed "To answer the Athena Spawns question let us here on Olympus introduce Lord Perseus God Of Time, Earth, Loyalty, Betrayal, Hero's, Bravery, Sass, The colour Blue, Tides, Swordsmanship, Armies, Warfare, Wisdom(Intelligence), Law, Order and Immortality. The 15th Olympian. From his training he is just as strong as the big three as he has trained with two of the big three." We were all shocked at this he chuckled at our surprised faces "Yes I have alot of things I can do with my Domains imagine this I could use time to make you a child, betrayal to make you insane from it, immortality to be cast into rebirth forever with each life worse than the last, I could do this by snapping my fingers. I have all my basic powers and I have created two techniques already, I also reached three complete secrets in each of my domain." Percy spoke as if mockingly yet I knew it wasn't pointed me yet everybody else I must've zoned out as he started chuckling again i was about to scowl at him then caught myself and realized he's not looking at me but behind he and when I turned around Annabeth had passed out. Serves her right I thought

"Alright let's continue this council" Zues thundered...

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2018 ⏰

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