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Disclaimer: I don't own pokespe
Winona's POV

"Who's there?" I shouted. I heard shuffling footsteps behind me. I had heard reports earlier about Team Aqua members roaming the Cave of Origins, looking for Kyogre no doubt. I am not about to let that happen. 

"What's wrong Winona?" I heard a voice behind me. I turned around to see Wallace walking towards me. He had volunteered to come with me, saying it was "for my own good" like I couldn't handle myself. 

"Everything is fine Wallace. Like I said before, there really is no need for you to have come with me." Wallace frowned and walked away. I walked towards the pool where Kyogre supposingly lied. As I approached, I heard hushed voices of an argument.

"Where is it? How can it not be here Shelly?"

"I'm not sure. The legend said once every battle between the legendary pokemon, Kyogre would always come back here to rest." Well too bad for them, I managed to catch the Sea Basin pokemon before Team Aqua came here. I called out Altaria. 

"Altaria, use dragon pulse." Altaria let out a beam of light, sending all the grunts flying.


"Yes, I am Winona. State your business here." I stepped forward.

"Well looks like you gym leaders aren't the smartest. We came here for Kyogre of course. Now if you know where it is, then I will have you tell me."

"Not a chance. Altaria use ice beam."

"Tch fool, Sharpedo aqua jet." Archie commanded, our attacks collided; a big explosion covered the view of my opponent.

Wallace's  POV

I heard a big explosion coming toward the place where Winona walked towards.

"Oh no!" I cried. I started running, worrying that Winona was in some kind of trouble.

Third Person POV

Winona was struggling against the many grunts, the admins and Archie. She heard footsteps behind her. Not more grunts. I can barily handlr the ones in front of me. If anymore come, I will have to bring out Kyogre.

"Winona!" Wallace cried out.

"The champion of Hoenn, Wallace. Quite of fitting opponent." Archie mumbled, smirking.

"Winona stand back! I can handle them." Wallace said, sending out Phillip (Wallace's Whiscash). 

"Use surf." A wave of water appeared, washing all the grunts, admins and their pokemon away.

"Impressive, as expected from the Hoenn champion." Archie smirked.

"I won't forgive you for hurting Winona. Body Slam full power!" Phillip jumped and came crashing down onto Archie's Sharpedo, causing it to faint. 

"Tch. Kyogre's not here, my team and I are defeated, this couldn't have gone any more worse. I'll remember this Showy Champion. This won't be the last." Archie cried, running away to their submarine.

"Winona, are you ok?" Wallace asked.

"Yes. Thanks for coming." Winona replied. Wallace stepped forward, taking her in his arm.

"I thought I lost you. Even though I didn't, I would have if I did not come with you." Winona blushed and smiled a little.

"Thank you Wallace. I really appreciate it." Wallace let go and said,

"I am coming with you next time alright?" Winona sighed and replied.

Hurray I am done. Hope you enjoyed. Please comment and no cursing like always. Good reading. And happy late birthday Lack-two/Blake/Rakutsu (his birthday is May 4). Sorry for forgetting even though I marked it on my calender.

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