Chapter 1

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Sitting In the bathroom stall tears run down my cheeks and drip onto my clothes making me shiver.

"Hello? Who's in here?" I wiped my tears away and stood up. I walked out of the stall and saw one of the new students.

"Hi, what's wrong?" I shook my head and washed my face in the sink. "None of your concern, don't worry about it."

The girl sighed but spoke. "So, my names Natalie. What's yours?" I shivered again at the touch of the cold water and I replied.

"Call me FA I guess I'll see you in class?" The girl nodded and I left the bathroom. The next thing I knew I was outside again.

"What did I tell you about talking to people?!" A voice hissed. "Not to, let me go. It wasn't my fault!"

"Look, I want the apology. So give me it now!" I nodded and started speaking.

"I'm sorry I'm so depressed,
And I cry a lot.
And I hide in my room.
I'm so sorry I don't do everything you ask.
I'm sorry I'm not perfect or pretty.
I'm sorry that i put such a damper on your life.
And that I'm tired.
That I'm antisocial.
Please forgive me for living!
I really am sorry I even exist.
I wish I could disserappear
To make it easier on everyone.
Seen as I'm such a horrible person.
Seen as it's impossible to be nice to me.
Impossible to deal with me.
Impossible to love me.

I'm so fucking sorry!"

The person behind the voice chuckled and pointed behind me so I turned around to see Natalie. "What are you doing here?"

My bully pushed me to the floor as I felt my legs collide with the rough concrete. He then ran off as I stood up looking down at my bloodied knees.

"W-why?" I looked at Natalie confused as she spoke. "Why did you say all of that?" I steadied myself against the wall and replied.

"It's true, I don't even know why I'm still alive! I should be dead!" Natalie stumbled back as I spoke.

"Too many people have ruined my life, like him!" I pointed to the direction my bully ran off to. And she nodded.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" She started apologising. "Why are you apologising!" I hissed as she stood up.

"I'm sorry it all happened to you! But at least you have a loving family who actually care!" I shook my head.

"I don't have one anymore! They fucking died!" The taller girl stood up and started apologising again.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't know!" She was starting to get on my nerves now. "Just shut up! I don't care if your sorry!"

Her bottom lip quivered but she stayed quiet until she asked a question as I was about to leave. "How did they die?"

"I killed them." I then started sprinting away and back to an alleyway I called home. I pushed away the rotting foods and settled underneath a burnt  cover I had from my old house and softly drifted to sleep.

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