Finding you was easy.
Knowing you was easy.Falling in love with you is easy.
Expressing my love to you is easy.
But we did not get into a relationship that easy.There were people that are against our love.
They will do everything.. anything just to break us.Our happiness to them is a disease.
It is something that they don't want to happen.But why people like them exists?
What are their reasons to break us?Can't they just move on and be happy for us?
Can't they just let us be happy?Why is it so hard for them to let go the love they have for us?
Why is it they choose to break us apart?That isn't love.
That is selfishness
Random13 Random Letters. Each with not more than 170 words. How can you express what you really feel to the person you love? Let it be written in a LETTER. "This is for you, My Owtovel." (BLUE HEART SERIES)