Not Turning Back on a Glorious Night Sky

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Guinevere never really knew what happened after she and Tsuade ran to the island. But, after she and the Steenee were a good distance away from the treehouse, there was a ear-splitting explosion with another one just seconds after the first. Guinevere and Tsuade stopped under a tree. There was nothing really dangerous near the HQ. Then, Guinevere remembered that Riolu Geek fought a few days ago. Could they be behind all of that? 

Guinevere thought about that, but now wasn't the time for that. It was the time for action! She took the map out and pointed toward the direction they were heading before they slowed down. They went to their raft, which, by total surprise, was right where they needed to be. Tsuade hopped on and Guinevere started pushing the raft, but all of a sudden, she was picked up by the sea and put on there. Then, there was a burst of wind that helped the two get closer to their destination faster.

Later, the sea was calm and peaceful as a plateau on a warm, spring afternoon. That night, the waves were calm and the moon shown as bright as the sun when it was high in the sky. The stars sparkled like a bunch of diamond rings in the clear, open sky. Guinevere took a moment to stop rowing and marvel at the beautiful night sky. "What a tremendous sight." she sighed. She looked at Tsuade, who was fast asleep, despite the little room there was to do so.

Though the Steenee couldn't see it, Guinevere gave her a relieved smile. They had been through a lot lately, and yet there was still more to come. Guinevere rubbed her hot pink eyes in sleepiness. She was tired, too, but someone had to keep an eye out overseas. Anything could happen.

Guinevere looked out into the distance. Though there was fog surrounding the island, Vailon was in sight. The sunlight's child, dawn, was tiptoeing into play and over the horizon. It seems that the Evo Orb was just a hop, skip and a jump away. "We will help Geek," Guinevere thought, "no matter how big the risk is!"

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