Chapter 1

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The train rolled to a sudden stop. My body jerked forward in the seat. I breathed a deep sigh and gathered my courage.

The aisle was filled with bustling bodies. People were gathering their things and hauling them along as they made their way from the train. I kept my head down and my hood drawn over my eyes. My one hand was gripped around my bag while the other was clenched inside the pocket of my jacket.

I stepped into the bright sunlight. Students were cheerfully greeting each other. Heads turning. Eyes going wide. Hushed words to one another. I was used to the drill. I was used to being the oddity. The thing to admire - like a museum exhibition.

I shuffled my feet uncomfortably. I took a deep breath and raised my head. I avoided eye contact with the people that were staring and searched for the building whose number was on the slip of paper in my pocket. Dammit. Where was number 1?

I couldn't take it anymore. My eyes fell back to the ground and I started my way in the general direction of the cluster of buildings. I hated this. I've aways hated every second of it. And now... Now it was even worse.

The quad was a lot quieter. There weren't quite as many people as by the train station. I found a map in the centre and located dorm 1.

I pushed on the double glass doors. They slid open without a sound. Cold air rushed to escape the pristine room. Everything was so...
clean. Clean brown carpets. Clean white walls. Clean leather couches. I nearly choked on the scent of floor detergent and leather polish.

"Can I help you?" a middle aged woman asked from behind a mahogany desk. Her forced smile twisted her face. She pushed her glasses further up her nose with her middle finger and cocked an eyebrow when I didn't respond.

I stepped closer to the desk. "Yes. Yes you can. My name is Finn. Finn Galager."

Her eyes peeled back and her smile fell away in surprise. "Mister Galager. Of course." She fiddled with her dark curled hair and I rolled my eyes. "We are unfortunately a bit overpopulated at the moment." She laughed at her own joke; I didn't. "We've placed you in the only vacant bed in this dorm. It may pose a... challenge."

I frowned. "A challenge?"

"Your roommate... No. I'm getting ahead of myself. Better leave you to draw your own conclusions. Here is your room key and your class schedule. The briefing is in four hours, at five o'clock. Be in the auditorium ahead of time. Good day Mister Galager."

I took the key from her outstretched hand and started for the elevator. I turned once inside and watched as the woman's smile fell away and she hurried through the door behind her. Her colleagues will be hearing about the great Finn Galager for the rest of the day.

My finger pressed down on the button for the top floor. The door closed and I drew in a breath to calm myself. Just keep up the pose, I told myself. Be who they think you are.

The elevator chimed and the door slid oped. I stepped out, once again the cool, calm and collected Galager that they expected me to be. I found my room easily enough. It was at the end of the hall. The very first room of this dorm: room number 1. I frowned. How on earth was this the last vacant room? It is the first room.

They key clicked in the lock. I puched the door open with one finger. The scent hit me first. It was indescribable. The floor spun beneath me and I threw a hand out to steady myself on the door frame. I took a moment to steel myself. My frown deepened. I felt something stirring in my chest.

"Focus, Galager. Focus," I whispered to myself.

The room was pristine. There was no dirty laundery laying around. Books were neatly organised on one of the two desks that stood against the same wall that the door was placed in. The scent was coming from the right side of the room. Both beds were neatly made up and placed on either side of the room, against the wall. Two end tables seperated them in the middle. There was also a door to my left. Probably the bathroom.

I hesitantly placed my bag on the left bed. I've never been to any learning institute before. My parents always believed that if you want a child to be perfect, you have to raise them yourself. I've never been a fan of homeschooling. Ironic, since it's all I've ever known. My heart clenched. Look where all their perfect plans got them in the end.

I heard loud laughing from outside the room. A thud sounded against the wall. Suddenly, everything fell quiet. I could faintly make out whispering voices on the other side of the cream painted wall. The handle on the door turned. I held my breath. I was standing, frozen, staring at the door.

The dark wood swung open. The air rushed out of my lungs. Dark eyes were staring straight at me. The man in front of me had a menacing aura. His face was twisted in a scowl. His defined jaw was clenced in anger.

"Who in the actualy hell are you?" he asked. His voice was pitched deep and low, so low that he was practically growling.

I have never been one to back down from any challenge. I was used to fighting - and of course winning. This man, however... Suddenly I wasn't so sure of myself anymore.

"Alpha-" somebody started.

"Quiet!" The man's voice rung through the tense air. He spun around on his heel, his fists clenched at his sides. "To your rooms. All of you."

"But-" Same speaker as before.

"Don't make me repeat myself, Corbin." The verbose one with the round glasses, Corbin, dropped his eyes to the floor and turned to walk down the hall. The rest of the gathered crowd slowly followed his lead.

The dark man turned on me. He stepped into the room, the door clicking shut behind him. He ran a hand through his dark waves. His hair was already messy from the same action that was clearly repeated a lot throughout his day. He crossed his arms and made eye contact. I squared my shoulders and didn't back down.

I've never submitted to anybody in my life. Actually, I've never been challenged like this before in my life.

Seconds passed. We stood, unmoving, for probably two full minutes. His dark eyes narrowed. His footfalls were silent on the brown carpeted floor as he slowly approached me.

He reached out a hand. I fought the instinct to take a step back. "Benjamin."

I hesitated for only a moment. "Finn." I gripped his hand. An electric shock ran through my arm. His eyebrows shot up. He had felt it too.

"I guess you're my new roommate," Benjamin said.

I shrugged, "Guess so."

"I had hoped that they were joking." He cleared his throat, sat on the edge of his bed and started rummaging around in his bag. "Left side of the room is yours. I'm out most of the day. Nighttime I expect it to be silent. Oh and Finn...?" His eyes met mine. "Stay out of my way."

Benjamin left without another word. I was astonished. What was with the guy? I shook my head. I zipped open my bag and dipped my hand in. My fingers brushed something cold. I froze. It was a long moment before I could bring myself to look at the black framed photo. Smiling faces were staring at me. There were about a hundred people. Toddlers were playing with the leaves on the grass at the front of the group. Proud parents had hands on their kids' shoulders. And my parents...

I placed the photo on my nightstand. I will find the person that had done this to me. I will find him... And I will kill him.

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