Chapter 7

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Both Ben and I froze. Ben closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. I wanted to kick myself. Not now. Not them.

"We were looking for you guys. Guess you were... busy," Harry said with a frown. I had thought that he was too drunk to even care if we were still on planet earth, but I guess I was wrong. So very wrong. Corbin's wide eyes were staring right into mine from next to Harry.

"Guys, I can explain. You see Ben-" I started, frantically searching for a lie.

"No. It's alright, Finn," Ben said, stepping into the light in the hallway. I follwed. "I have something to tell you two."

Corbin snorted, "Yeah, I'd say." Harry continued to frown.

"Finn... Finn is my mate. Now both of you know what that means and both of you know very well that I could never have stopped this." I dropped my eyes to the floor. Ben clearly picked up on my disappointment, because he took my hand and pulled me to his side. He looked straight into my eyes and said, "And I wouldn't have ever wanted to stop it." I blushed, but refused to look down once more.

Corbin cleared his throat and asked Ben, "Oh, why didn't you tell us sooner?"

Ben opened his mouth to answer, but Harry beat him to it. "You know full well why, Corbin. He knows what this will do to him; to us. The entire pack will suffer from this. And for what? A few nights of fun with your roommate. You should have your head checked, Benjamin." Harry spat the name like venom before he turned and stormed away.

Corbin watched him go. "For what it's worth," Corbin said, "I think you two look great together. Just give him time. He'll come around. He-" Corbin snapped his mouth shut, his eyes filled with bewilderment. "I'll go talk to him. See you back at the dorm."

I narrowed my eyes as I watched him follow Harry. What had he been about to say? Corbin knows something. Harry's reaction wasn't unexpected, but it was harsh towards one of his best friends. Something was very wrong.

"Let's go. I don't feel like this anymore," Ben said. He still had a hold of my hand and I made a move to pull it back as we entered the main club. Ben gripped my hand tighter and brought it to his lips. "Nobody else matters tonight. It's just you and me. I won't let anyone ruin that." He kissed the back of my hand and stepped into the loud music.

We worked our way through the press of people until we were through the front doors and the cool air hit our faces. We both sucked in a much needed breath of fresh air.

Ben was still holding my hand. People weren't even paying us any attention. We weren't in werewolf territory and most of these people had no idea who we were. Ben led me away from the club.

We were strolling back to Academy grounds when we both picked up on the feeling of eyes watching our every step. Neither of us stopped. We were trained enough to know at least that. Unfortunately, we also had no fricken clue what else to do. We couldn't communicate through mind link and I didn't know Ben's fighting style well enough to be able to predict his next move without prior communication.

In other words: we were trapped.

I could feel the hatred radiating from the dark and scorching my skin. I risked a glance behind us. Something darted between two trees. I fought to keep my breath from hitching. This was ridiculous. We were two alphas who could take on whatever came our way, but tonight... Tonight something felt off.

Suddenly, a high pitched squeal filled my ears. Ben and I dropped to the ground simultaneously, clutching our ears and writhing on the ground. The sound was unbearable to werewolves. Dogs too, but I would never admit to that in public.

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