Worth Saving/Moves Like Jagger/My Pirate King

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Gwen Stefani as Sydney Alyson Tenbrook (Worth Saving)

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Gwen Stefani as Sydney Alyson Tenbrook (Worth Saving)

Description: What happens when Elijah Mikaelson sees a young girl on the brink of death and makes the instant decision to turn her, saving her life? Find out in Worth Saving: An Elijah Mikaelson Fanfic!!!!!!!! **A/N: thanks to @ivoryconfessions for allowing me to turn the one-shot she had written for me into this book!!!!!!! Go follow her and read/comment/vote on her works!!!!!

Description: What happens when Elijah Mikaelson sees a young girl on the brink of death and makes the instant decision to turn her, saving her life? Find out in Worth Saving: An Elijah Mikaelson Fanfic!!!!!!!! **A/N: thanks to @ivoryconfessions fo...

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Nina Dobrev as Violet Lynn Harper (Moves Like Jagger)

Description: What happens when Adam Levine, lead singer of the world-famous band Maroon 5, falls for a fan who also just so happens to be one of drummer Matt Flynn's childhood friends? Find out in Moves Like Jagger: A Maroon 5 Fanfic!!!!!

Description: What happens when Adam Levine, lead singer of the world-famous band Maroon 5, falls for a fan who also just so happens to be one of drummer Matt Flynn's childhood friends? Find out in Moves Like Jagger: A Maroon 5 Fanfic!!!!!

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Riley Voelkel as Jasmine 'Jazz' Thomas (My Pirate King)

Description: What happens when Jasmine 'Jazz' Thomas wins a contest to star in the sixth Pirates of the Caribbean movie alongside her biggest role model, Orlando Bloom? Find out in My Pirate King: An Orlando Bloom Fanfic!!!!!!!!!!!!  

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