(C/n), in her wolf form, crouched down and slowly made her way over to her "prey". Every now and then she would trip over a rock or step on a twig. Meanwhile Kai, also in his wolf form, sat down and groaned. "You know I can hear you!" Getting no response, he rolled his eyes and counted. "3. 2. 1." He quickly moved out of the way as (C/n) pounced. She landed on the ground with a thud.
"Ow! Why did you move?" (C/n) whimpered as she sat up. "I'm not going to just sit there and give you an easy kill. You're going to earn it." Kai stood up and firmly planted his paws on the ground. "Just follow my lead." (C/n) nodded and did the same as him. "Now, just be silent. Listen to what's around you."
(C/n) nodded and closed her eyes. "Now what do you hear?" Kai asked quietly. (C/n)'s ears moved slightly at any sound. "I hear lots of things, how am I suppose to focus on one?" She asked. "Just focus on the loudest thing, it's normally the one that's closest. I hear something just beyond this hill." Kai growled and got down. "Watch and learn." He smirked, then ran up the hill and jumped on whatever was over there.
A loud scream could be heard as he did so, (C/n) rushed over the hill to find Kai on top of none other than Cake the cat. "Cake?" (C/n) tilted her head as she walked over. "You know this cat?" Kai asked. "Yeah, she's a friend of my parents." Kai hummed and got off of her. "(C/n)? Who is this guy!? Does your mother know about this?" Cake asked.
"This is Kai, he's a new addition to our weird pack!" (C/n) answers with a smile. "Well I wouldn't call the pack weird." Cake said. (C/n) chuckled. "Really? Our pack consists of one wolf, a vampire, a half breed, a talking cat, and a human. How is that not weird?"
"Huh, I guess you're right. Now back to this guy, what's the deal with attacking me!?" Cake hissed. "Relax cat, I was just showing the half breed how to hunt. She's worse than glob awful at it." (C/n) huffed in annoyance. "I'm not that bad! It was one mess up."
"One mess up? I wouldn't exactly call it that-"
"Say, where is Fiona?" (C/n) interrupted. "Oh she's hanging out with that Flame Prince." Cake answered. (C/n) tilted her head. "Didn't they break up?"
"Yeah but they're "working things out" as Fiona puts it."
(C/n) chuckled. "Well, we should continue my lessons. I'll see you later auntie Cake! Say hi to Cake jr. for me." With that she and Kai ran off.
"I had a really cool time with you Kai, it was really fun!" (C/n) smiled. "Fun? That was not fun, that was training." Kai corrected her. "Aw come on, you didn't have even a little fun? What about when I finally tackled you?" Kai growled a bit. "You got lucky. And no I didn't. Training isn't suppose to be fun you know? It's suppose to be serious and brutal!"
"Jeez, your starting to sound like your father. Come on, let's fight again!" (C/n) got down and waged her tail playfully. Kai rolled his eyes and walked pat her. "No thanks." (C/n) frowned and followed him. "Then what do you do for fun?"
"Nothing." Kai simply answered. "That's no good. Come on, there has to be something you like to do."
"There is, but it's not very child friendly." Kai chuckled. "Too gory for a little thing like you." (C/n) growled. "I am not a child! I am 15!"
"Sure. Let's just head back already." (C/n) sighed and followed him as he walked.