3. Spirit In The Sky

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The pounding headache that accompanied my arousal from the nightmare filled darkness wasn't very appealing. It seemed to echo and amplify every sound wave that reached my ears. The pulsing in my head from my heartbeat jolting against my temple angrily. My arms were tied tightly behind my back at an awkward angle as someone started slapping my face. The pain nothing compared to whatever after marks the stun gun was leaving in my fried brain.

"Five more minutes," I whispered. My eyes struggling to peel open. From the incessant noises alone, I had gathered the Nova Corps had taken us in and that was not something I was ready to face just yet.

"No chance, sleepyhead. Get up, now!" I guess people had other ideas.

"Oh, fúck off," I spit as someone pulls me drowsily to my feet. My body swaying uncontrollably to the left as I try to regain my balance. Damn! That gun packed a punch- a refreshing punch from all the daisy hits I'd been receiving lately. But still, a punch I'd have rather avoided.

The familiar voice of Quill was somewhat of a relief, "Hey! Hands off dude! A little respect for the lady," he tries to reason as I'm shoved into a single file line and made to walk behind the criminals that were trying to kidnap us earlier. Thankfully, the guards were just walking behind us instead of holding me upright.

"You're a Flora Colossus?" I gasp in amazement at the giant tree I could now observe properly; since he wasn't trying to put me in a bag. A gentle species that father had shown me in a book when I was younger. Frigga even teaching me a little in the language.

"You know what that thing is?" Peter rudely frowns from his position up ahead.

"I am Groot!" the large tree turned slightly to smile in a friendly manner at me. I happily returned it with a sweet smile of my own.

"Better now, thank you," I smiled to his question if I was okay. This amazing creature fascinated me as I watched him with wide eyes. Before I was taken, myself and my father would spend hours in the palace gardens. Apparently, it was once one of my mother's favourite places to visit before she passed of a terrible illness when I was only months old.

"These creatures have knowledge of the generations of Arbor Masters. They are considered geniuses for teaching such advanced education," I dreamily say as I watch the wooden muscles of the giant creature move effortlessly. The advanced cellular regeneration was allowing him to regrow both of his arms.

Poor boy- who would hurt such a beautiful creature?

"Freya, you're going all princessy again," Peter sighs in a warning. I could imagine the eye roll that would accommodate the sentence. He often found my advanced knowledge and sometimes, 'Shakespearean speech' that slipped through annoying.

I rolled my eyes at him, giving a light laugh at him, "Then shut your ears,"

I could hear his scoff from all the way back here. That man and his airhead.

The raccoon began speaking, "I guess most of Nova Corps wanna uphold the laws, but these ones here, they're corrupt and cruel." he chuckles away to himself.

"Sorry, who's arsehole are they shoving us up?" I ask, taking in the grimy environment of the prison we were being escorted into.

"The Kyln," he responds. Ah, hell. This is going to be fun.! "But hey, that's not my problem. I ain't gonna be here long. I've escaped 22 prisons. This one's no different. You're lucky broad showed up because otherwise, Groot and I would be collecting that bounty right now and you'd be getting drawn and quartered by Yondu and those Ravagers." This walking panda has a huge mouth on him. Worse than Peters- and that's saying something.

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