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Here's how it all began...


It was a quiet Saturday morning, and Marinette had been up for a while. She was pacing around her room, anxiously waiting for the morning to end. She, Alya, Nino, and Adrien had plans to meet near the fountain in the park later that day.

Ever since Alya and Nino started dating, they had been dragging Marinette and Adrien all over the city with them. As much as she loved spending time with them, she somehow always ended up alone with Adrien. Not that Marinette minded spending alone time with Adrien, but she hated how her best friend pleaded with her to come, only to take off in the end. It drove her crazy especially because Alya and Nino knew she was crushing on him.

She didn't know exactly what Alya and Nino had planned after the meetup today, but they had begged Marinette and Adrien to tag along. When they initially asked, she declined but ultimately, she had relented and agreed. She just hoped that maybe this time Alya and Nino would stick around.


Adrien sat comfortably in his room playing video games and relaxing. All week Nino and Alya had begged him to come spend the day with Marinette and them later that afternoon. Initially, he had refused to go, not wishing to invade on their plans and because he thought Marinette seemed uncomfortable around him.

He recalled the conversation he had with Nino just before he'd agreed to go. "You guys should just go without me. Marinette can't seem to formulate proper sentences around me."

"Come on dude, Marinette doesn't mind," Nino replied. Adrien still wasn't sure. "Trust me. The more time you spend with her, the easier it will be for her to talk to you."

Adrien knew Nino was right. As he and Marinette spent more and more time together throughout the summer, she'd been stuttering less and less. However, the minute she noticed they were alone, it was like she didn't know how to act, let alone speak. "Alright, I'll come. Just don't take off on us like you always do." Adrien replied, knowing his request would be ignored as it had been many times before. He merely wanted to make sure Marinette felt comfortable while spending time with him.

"Everything will be fine dude," Nino replied, ignoring Adrien's request completely. There was little to no chance of them not leaving Marinette and Adrien alone. Alya had it thoroughly planned already.

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