Go time

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Jason’s POV

When I stepped out of my car at school, I took a deep breath of air to calm myself. But my wolf picked up the most delicious sent ever. He howled at me and immediately knew what it meant, my mate was here.

                The smell was the most delicious thing I have ever smelled, Rain, forest, vanilla, and cinnamon. Sweet and spicy. I quickly scanned the parking lot but I couldn’t seem to spot her. My wolf growled at me and I fought to keep him under control. All he wanted to do was sniff her out and claim her, but I knew that would never happen.

                Just then Darren and Lily pulled up next to me and got out of their car.

“Hey what’s wrong? You’re on edge and it looks like you’re having a hard time controlling your wolf. Is there danger?” He asked as he pushed lily behind him and took up a defensive stance.

                My canines were elongated so I just shook my head at him and pulled him inside into an empty classroom. I shoved my wolf into control and felt my teeth go back to normal.

                “I found my mate. I just don’t know who she is. All I could tell was her smell, God she smelled edible and delicious.” I groaned.

                “Yeah, Lily smells that way to me. It can’t be someone from the pack right? You’ve already smelled all of them. The only new girl to the school is a human girl whose first day is today. But hat can’t be possible right?” He questioned.

                “Ugh I don’t know!” I growled. “I just want to find her.”

                “Here come on.” He pulled me out of the room and into the office.

                “Hi how can I help you boys?” The secretary asked politely. She was a part of my pack so she knew to show respect towards the Alpha.

                “When the new girl comes in, have Jason show her around, okay?” He asked.

                She easily agreed. “Sure thing, she should actually be here any minute now.”

                Darren turned back to me and took both my shoulders in his hands. Great, here comes the pep talk. 3...2...1…

                “Alright man, when she comes in here all you got to do is be your suave self and she will be falling in your arms mate or not. I’m going to go back to Lily but I expect to meet my new Alpha female at lunch today okay?” He told me.

                “Sure thing man and thanks.”

                “Anything for you Alpha!” He fake saluted and left.

                Not long after the door closed, it opened back up to reveal the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. My eyes took in her whole body as she quickly walked in and over to the desk. My wolf howled in rage at the bruises and scars on her gorgeous body, but I knew I would have to earn her trust for me to do anything about them. But I still wanted to kill the one that did it to her.

                “Hi sweetie how can I help you?”

                “I’m new here and I need my schedule.” Her voice sounded like wind chimes. A wonderful melody to my ears.

                “Oh yes, Sophie is it?” She asked as she stood up to go to the filing cabinet.

                “Yes ma’am.” She said timidly. Sophie. What a beautiful name. I could already tell I was going to be calling her Soph most of the time though.  She was also very respectful of her elders too. That impressed me, good quality traits for an alpha female.

                But wait! She’s human; I can’t smell any other form of the supernatural on her. Wow, maybe this is our solution, mating with humans.

                “Well here you go. Jason here will show you around. Have a nice day. “She handed her a map and her schedule and I knew that was my cue to stand up and introduce myself.

                I was going to introduce myself to my mate. I never thought I would say those words.

Sophie’s POV

                I turned on my heel to leave but came face to face with a god. Well more like face to chest.

                A tight grey shirt clung to his muscled chest and arms. He wore dark blue jeans that hung low on his waist but still showed off his ripped thighs. He was definitely drool worthy.  But I was an expert at keeping my emotions hidden, especially around men.

                “Hey there, I’m Jason. You’re Sophie right?” His voice was deep and masculine. The movement of his lips made me want to just grab his face and maul him with kisses. Snap out of it Sophie! We don’t trust men. Especially not ones that are two heads taller than us.

                “Um…y-yeah I’m Sophie. Nice to meet you. But I don’t need your help; I have a map and can find my classes on my own. Lord knows I’ve done it plenty before.” I mumbled the last part not expecting him to hear me.

                “Oh so you move a lot. Where did you come from? And I’m going to help you to class, so don’t argue Soph.”

 Did he really just call me Soph?  Nobody has called me that in years. My old best friend did before my father started drinking. Then we moved and I never saw her again.

“We moved from Ontario and yes I move around a lot more than I would like.  And fine, here, lead the way.” I handed him my schedule.

“Well this is awesome we have all of the same classes. So I can easily accompany you to class everyday actually.” He said with a smug grin.

“Look, I usually don’t make friends when I move because as soon as I make them, I move again. So I don’t need you to befriend me because you feel bad for me or something, it’s actually better if we never become friends. We should stay acquaintances so when I move I won’t miss anyone.” I told him straight out.

At first, a flash of anger went through his eyes, then sorrow, deep painful sorrow that had me wanting to take all my words back.

“I’m sorry.” I put my arm on his and was surprised by the tingly shocks that ran through my body.

“Okay now it’s my turn.” He said with a determined look on his face. “I can already tell that I like you, a lot. And it doesn’t matter if you’re going to move a thousand miles away tomorrow, I want to spend the time I have with you, together.  I’m going to walk you to class now and I won’t introduce you to a single person. But at lunch, you are sitting with me, and you are going to meet my friends. Trust me, it will be better than being alone.” By the end he had started pleading. All I wanted to do was trust him, my whole body trusted him even though my mind was still doubtful.

Why did I feel so good after what he just said? Why do I feel important and wanted? Why can I trust this man standing in front of me without hesitation? And most of all, why is he attracted to someone like me?

~~~Trying to do longer chapters and what not!!!please tell me what you think!!!~~~

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