Moving Sucks

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Sophie's POV

Another move to another small town in the middle of nowhere. Story of my life.

So my father is in the army, and we constantly uproot so we can move to another home near another base. Ive lost count of all of the bases we have moved to.

This town is called Cummings and fathers base will be a few miles up the road.

"Mom. are we almost their?" I whined from the back seat. My Father is driving but if I had asked him he would've slowed down the car even more.

"Yes sweetie, maybe ten more minutes." She said patiently back.

See my mom is really patient and calm while my father is a little rough and tough some times. I don't call him dad either, he lost that title a long time ago.

I plugged my beat up Ipod back in and turned the volume all the way up so I wouldn't have to hear my parents arguing over directions.

My mom started to wave her hand in front of my face so I plucked out one head phone to hear.

"That's going to be your new school dear." She said while pointing to a run down brick building that looked more like a prison. But I knew it would turn into my sanctuary once we got settled. "And then the house is only about five blocks away. That's perfect so you can walk to school."

Yeah, sure, five blocks. But each block is huge and probably about a half mile each. Not like the even smaller town, Ontario, we moved here from. That place was about a mile in each direction from the very center of it.

Soon enough, we pulled into a nice small cottage style home. It would look perfect from the outside but the inside would never be as perfect.

We pulled into the drive and I gently got out, still sporting cracked ribs from "accidentally" falling down the stairs. I also had about a million bruises and cuts underneath the thick hoodie I wore. The neighbor's probably already think I'm weird wearing a hoodie in eighty degree weather. But I don't care. It would be worse for them to see whats underneath.

"Your room is on the second floor, its actually the only room up their too. It has a little bathroom that connects to it. Your Father and I will share the master bedroom that's downstairs and to the left. Everything should already be painted and furnished since the movers came down earlier." My mom told me.

I noticed my Father grabbing a beer from the cooler in the back. It made me internally flinch because I knew what came after a few cans.

"Yeah and me and your mom want you to stay out of our way as much as you can. Got it?" He slurred at me.

"Yes sir." I said quickly and quietly.

I quickly grabbed my two suitcases and winced as it strained against my injuries slightly. But I sucked it up, I knew better than to show emotion in front of my Father. Especially if it has to do with pain.

I hefted them up slightly and trudged my way up the stairs and into my new tiny purple bedroom that was really no bigger than a closet. A twin mattress sat on the floor pushed up as far in the corner as possible and a tiny metal fold up table stood next to it, in place of a night stand. And pushed as far away from the bed as it could sat my little wardrobe. The closet was just a few poles going horizontally across the back wall with a curtain to somewhat cover it.

It would do. Its not like I had much anyways, and I have definitely had worse. This was actually a little better than most "rooms" i've had. One time I actually did have a closet, and all that fit was my mattress, while my other things sat in another closet in the kitchen.

So welcome home Sophie.

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