rain puddels and pretty windows

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"um,Carmen Reveriaz?" I looked up to see two pairs of icy slate colored eyes looking at me, "yeah, that's me" I said flashing her a quick smile, one that was not returned. She pivoted on her shiny black heel and shuffeld away. I followed like a lost puppy until finally the sassy brunette stopped on the fifth door down in the second hallway of floor eight "this is your dorm, breakfast is at eight till eleven, scheduled to fit in between your classes. Lunch is you're issue and dinner is served from five till eight" she spoke sharply, a tad annoyed and overworked. She was pretty and had long chocolatey hair pulled into a messy bun. "Youre roommate will be here as soon as she or he pleases and um...have a nice stay" she finished her speech but had her eyes glued to the clipboard the whole time. I unlocked the door as I heard her shuffle down the hallway once more. It was a nice sized dorm with a balcony. I plopped my stuff down on a bed that didn't have anything occupying it. I practically waltzed over to the window to see the rain. It was so pretty, I could have stared at it for hours. That is if I wasn't interrupted "whoa, um " I heard a smoky voice stumble from behind me. I turned around and saw a tall guy, about 6'2, with caramel brown hair and amazingly soft blue eyes. I would emphasize his body, but I don't feel like drooling. "Oh I'm sorry" I said, instantly shooting up only to stick my hand out "Carmen" I stated smiling like a loser "princess, we are gonna be with each other for awhile. No need for formalities" he said, gently pushing my hand down only to shoot me a knee weakening smile "but I'm Jake, it's nice to meet you Carmen. I have a feeling ill like you" god. He had such a way with words. It feels like he just brightened up my world with the way my name rolled off his tounge so easily. "Same" I said, already falling in love with him

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