stubborn shopping

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-carmens POV-
the days filled with classes, studying and essays flew by. I found myself walking to class with jake, even if we weren't in the same class. "So, what's for dinner?" he asked wiggling his eyebrows "um, well we actually need to go shopping" his face fell only to light up again in a few seconds. "Alright then". We changed directions to head to the grocery store instead of the dorms. Once we were inside he began talking, but didn't stop. "Tacos?" He asked, basically pleading. Shooting him a quick grin I told him "ya, tacos" he stood back from the cart, measuring the distance, swiftly I jerked back so I wasn't victimized by his horrible aim. He tossed the box twoards the cart only for it to hit the metal rim and fall to the ground, you could hear the taco shells die inside the box. He quickly picked it up, shoving it behind some rice. He picked me up and threw
Me onto his back as he pounded down the aisle. "Jacob, what the hell!" I hissed, instead of responding he sharply turned the corner, darting down another aisle. "that was so embarrassing, we needed to leave before anyone saw my face" he told me.
Quickly, he latched his foot onto the cart until his feet were completely off the ground. The cart began to tilt back and he dramatically jumped off with me STILL on his back, clinging on for dear life. "That, was freaking great" he said. "Oh ya, which part ? Nearly crashing or when you hoisted me onto your back?" I asked sarcastically as I dusted myself off "actually, the part when you gripped on  to me so tight that I felt your nails rip my shirt" he said with full serious ness in his voice. At this time I looked at his navy blue shirt on which my nails had left small indentations, and even a small rip. "Crap, sorry" I muttered.
-jacobs POV-
After the shopping cart ride, we headed to the register. She started to pull out her wallet, but I didn't want to let her pay. "No, I got it" I announced. She looked at me and tried to pull out her credit card, but I caught her wrist "nope, I'll pay" I told her. We argued for a while until I realized I had a leverage on her, I was taller. So I tried to reach over her, but she was not going to let that happen. She ended up sitting on the food belt until I told her we could at least split the cost "ma'am, I'm afraid you can't sit on that, it-uh, um... Well it's quiet dirty and you are not really helping" the lady shot me pleading eyes, "okay, we can split the bill, but only if I get an IOU"  I whisperd. She looked confused, but happy that she won. "Deal" she said shaking my hand.

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