Who Is Really In This School?

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Rosalie’s POV

It’s been a week here and it’s been Horrible.

Everyone doesn’t seem to notice me which I am thankful for but there as those very few people that give me dirty looks. When I don’t understand what I have done to them. I was just a shy girl from a small town in California, I did not belong here. There are places you know you belong and then there are places you know you just do not belong there. And this college, I defiantly did not belong here. I didn’t understand, my future was not supposed to be this hard. But it is.

And as I walk down these halls, my head down and books clutched to my chest, I realised we are all fighting for our future.

A hard surface drawled me from my thoughts and I felt my bum hit the ground; a startled gasp came from me as my books spilled everywhere. Removing my gaze from the floor I looked up to see piercing green eyes, Harry. A headband covered his forehead moving his curls away from his face, a blue knitted sweater covered his body and black skinny jeans grabbed his legs matched with his usual combat boots. We held our gaze for a second before my face flushed and I needed to pull away. I gulped scared as he remained in front of me.

Not a single word was muttered from him, not a single movement made from him. Not even a hand to help me up.  I didn’t expect anything more anyway, I’ve been keeping distance. But there’s this little times like these when I can feel his gaze on me, and somewhere in his mind he knows I hate it. It makes me squirm knowing those burning green eyes are focused on me only.

My mouth fell open to say something but nothing came out and when he noticed that, words were finally realised from his mouth.

“Well are you going to say sorry or what?” he growled at me and I pushed my body further to the ground figuring it would make me disappear but it didn’t. His harsh tones scared me. Suddenly movement came from a corner and harry was pushed away from me. All I could see was short blonde hair and blue skinny jeans.

“Leave the god damn poor girl alone.” She snarled at Harry, and I was startled by the blond headed girl in front of me.

“Whatever bailey” he said lowly before I heard his footsteps take of slowly along with others. The girl in front of me now turned around, picking up all my books as I stayed stationary not knowing what to do. She bent down and smiled at me, she had blue eyes that were pretty as the sea, and she had the best legs I have seen. My stomach feels a little as I looked at her beauty.

“I’m sorry about that love, I’m bailey. You are?” She held her hand out and I stared at it, sudden loss of words and movements. Her laughter brought me out of the trance, “Shy huh? I don’t bite come on.” She urged and I took her hand to greet her.  She then helped me up and I took my books from her hand clutching them to my chest trying to hide. It was a minute or two after until I said

“Rosalie, my names Rosalie.” She smiled at me when I finally replied to her introduction; she grabbed my arm gently and walked down the hall with me.

“Well Rosie, can I call you Rosie?” She questioned and I smiled a little nodding and she continued “We are going to have lunch, i think there is a few things you need to know about this school and no it’s not a question or an offer, you are coming to lunch.” And for the first time at this school a let a shy laugh escape my lips and I let my saviour drag me to lunch.  

I sat down in the cafeteria, the first time I haven’t been alone. Well I’d usually get food and leave; I placed my tray in front of me, a simple garden salad with water. I was about to pick up my fork when bailey sound down and laughed a little. I stopped startled and looked around.

“Hunny, let me get you an actual meal.” And she returned with a tray with a burger, chips, some onion rings and a coke. I stared at her when she tosses my salad into the bin.

“But I-“

“But nothing, eat up c’mon I have things to tell you.” So I stared at my tray before picking up chips slowly chewing on them as Bailey did the same. She flicked her blond hair to the back and adjusted her plain grey hoodie before opening her mouth again.

“Okay you are obviously new and it is my job to fill you in. That group over there.” She pointed to a bunch of girls wearing mini skirts and dresses, some with heels, some with flats. “They are the queen bees as you may, they think every guy wants them and every girl wants to be them. But really they aren’t so bad.” I gulped nodding as I watched the girls giggle continuously. “The guys over there, complete assholes, the sporting people-“

“I’m a sporting person.” I butt in but as soon as I did I put my head down.

“But hunny, you’re not like them. Anyway, they think because they play sport they are this whole new level over the school which really they are not. Then you have the girls who are with them as well of course, and then there are the mediocre people like me and the rest of the crew over there.” She said pointing where numerous groups are sat around the cafeteria tables. “And then you have you know the band geeks, piercing people and etc.” She pointed over to where numerous people look as though they got every piercing they possibly could plastered on their face.

“Then there are the 10 assholes as girls, right there the middle table.” She pointed and so there were, just like the girls she pointed out before with the dresses and miniskirts although you could tell these girls had more attitudes about them. Their make-up was a lot darker, and instead of heels, black boots or in fact any black shoe. “They are who you really need to watch out for; they’re the definition of evil. Stand clear of them Rosie, I warn you.” I gulped nodding listening to her advice.

“And last but not least, the five most narcissist assholes you will ever come across.” As if on cue the doors opened and of course the first body I saw was Harrys, right there in the middle of his friends. “There my love you have, Mr Harry Styles, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Niall Horan and Louis Tomlinson.  These are the guys you want to stay away from if you’re going to keep a low key in this school.  They are trouble; they get any girl they want. Every girl thinks they are going to be the one to change them and make them date, I am pretty sure they have all been suspended multiple times and maybe even convictions. All have had said to have a rough life and really they don’t obey to rules at all. They are all mysterious sexy shameless flirts that need a good hit in the head. But no one dares to do so. “I gulped looking over at Harry and his ‘gang’ his eyes were locked with mine and I immediately turned away.

“That’s really all you have to know.” I gulped squeezing my chip until the potato practically burst from it. A week in this school and I had no idea what really was around me. “So pretty much stand clear of two groups and your pretty little face will be fine.” She smiled continuing eating.

I couldn’t have an appetite after hearing that. 

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