Welcome Home

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I sat in a crowded airport, just outside of gate 13. I sat with my legs crossed, my over-sized jacket pulled around me, and my headphones in. Every few minutes I checked the time, my patience wearing thin. My fingers tapped on my knee as I aimlessly starred at the gate, waiting for people to start coming through. Soon a hand reached over and stopped my tapping. I looked up and saw Nicola, who gave a big reassuring smile. Nicola is Tom's mother.

Tom Holland, my best mate for nearly 17 years was due home today. Tom is an actor and he has been in America for over a year shooting a Spider-Man movie and doing a press tour. When Tom left he took our best mate with him leaving me almost completely alone. Harrison Osterfield has been our mate since primary school. We met Haz on the playground. Tom and I were neighbors and grew up together. I had friends here, but I didn't talk to them much. I was busy with my schooling, which is why I didn't go to America with Tom.

I've missed Tom so much. We would talk on the tele often and facetime, but it wasn't the same as talking face to face. Tom and I are inseparable. We do almost everything together, or we did before he left. My schooling didn't allow for me to be able to go the states to see him, but now I'm done, and I have all the free time to spend with him as I wish.

I felt Nicola reach up and pull a headphone out of my ear. I looked at her with a questioned expression. She reached over and took the other one out and pulled my phone from my hands. She gave me a wide smile and nodded in the direction of the gate. My head snapped to the right and I saw people exiting. I jumped up and walked over slowly waiting to see my mates. I looked through the sea of people until I spotted Harrison. As soon as we made eye contact, he dropped his duffle and he opened his arms. I ran over and hugged him.

"I'm so glad you're home mate!", I exclaimed as I hugged him tightly.

"I am as well, I could sleep for a month", he laughed and hugged me tighter.

I pulled away and looked past him, "Where's Tom?"

"He's coming he was having trouble with his duffle", he explained.

"So, you left him?", I laughed.

"If I didn't, I would have never gotten any time with you", he said rolled his eyes.

"That's not true Haz-"

I was cut off by Tom calling my name, "Y/N!"

I looked past Harrison and saw a tall, lean, brown haired, Tom. I looked at Harrison and gave him an apologetic smile and moved past him. Tom dropped his duffle, just like Haz did, and I ran to him. He held him arms out for me and I ran straight into them. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and I buried my face in his neck. He had one arm around my waist and the other cradled the back of my head. He kissed the side of my head.

"Glad to see me darling?", he smiled.

"Very very glad! You don't know what's it's been like with out you", I told him as he let go of my head and bend down and picked up his duffle and then began walking us towards Harrison and his mum.

He finally put me down and moved to hug his mother. Soon after I pulled them both in for a hug, "Next time you're coming with us", Tom said.

"Absolutely", I smiled, "Ready to go home?"

"Hell yes", they both said.

We made our way to luggage claim, so they could retrieve their suitcases. I looped my arm through one of Tom's and the other through one of Harrison's and we happily all made our way to the belt. The wait was short. Very quickly the boys were pulling their bags off. Once those were in hand we made our way towards home.


Later that night, after Tom got settled and Harrison had went home, I decided to go home as well. Even though Tom was next door, I felt like he was still an ocean away. I laid on my bed and just starred at the ceiling. I was about to get up and find my cell to call Tom when there was a tap on my window.

I jumped up and went over to see Tom. I quickly jumped up and threw open my window, so he could climb in. He fell to the floor.

"Tom! What are you doing here?", I asked as I shut the window, while he got up.

"I needed to see you. We've been apart to long", he said stepping forward and bringing me into a hug.

I smiled and nodded against his chest", I agree."

Tom and I climbed onto of my bed and laid side by side. We used to do this all the time. We would lay and talk about everything. Being apart for a year, we have a lot to talk about. Having Tom home made me feel whole again. Tom, in a way, is my home.

"So, tell me about your time in the states", I smiled and looked over at him.

"It was amazing. The people, the places, I wish you could have been there it was mind blowing", he said throwing his hands up for emphasis.

"I'm glad you had a good experience. Meet any girls?", I asked as I raised an eyebrow and nudged him with my shoulder.

He looked over at me and we locked eyes, "Many, but they were only fans, nothing more."

"You didn't think about giving one of them a go?", I inquired.

"No, of course not. None of them were my type", he laughed.

"Oh? And what is your type, super star?", I joked.

"Girls with Y/C/H, Y/C/E, sweet. Girls that keep me grounded and love to read. Girls who are absolutely breathtaking inside and out", he said and moved a bit closer, his volume dropped immensely.

"Sounds like you're picky. If you keep that up you'll never get a girlfriend", I joked.

"I'm just describing someone I know", he told me.


"Just a girl", he smiled and looked at the ceiling.

"Since when do we keep secrets Thomas?", I asked him a little upset.

"Never, but this is the exception. For the time being", he told me.

He quickly changed to topic. I went along with it, trying to hide my hurt. He wanted someone else and I wanted him. I wasn't willing to share Tom with anyone. I snuggled closer to Tom as began to talk about other things like his plane rides and my schooling. We talked for hours until we both fell asleep curled up on my bed. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2018 ⏰

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