tea | jayeela one shot

145 11 6

all characters belong to CJ_Adler

To CJ and her wonderful books and characters. Thank you.

The small workplace was dark and quiet with nothing but the soft sound of shuffling papers and photographs filling the room. Boxes and files lined the walls and the single, dark oak desk planted in the middle was the only light source illuminating the cramped office.

I squint at the photographs in front of me, the dim yellow light from the lamp now making my eyes sore. I rub at my puffy and dry eyes quickly and let out a yawn, tired and weary from the amount of work i've been doing for the past hours.

With the amount of work I've had to do over the last week, Jay and I haven't found anytime to clean up my new, tiny (but amazing) workplace. There were papers everywhere and we still have no place to put them yet.

As I scribble something down with a pen and pick up another candid photo, the door to my small office opens slowly. Soft light spills into the cramped room as Jay creeps in quietly. He has a pair of sweats and a cotton black shirt on that fits him nicely. I frown down at my t-shirt and jeans and suddenly yearn to be in some PJ's.

I look up and shoot him a confused look as he walks towards my desk, "What are you doing?" I ask him wearily, yawning once again as I set the paper's down on the table.

Jay takes another step forward and takes my hand gently, "Aqueela, it's three a.m, you've been working non-stop for hours," he whispers as he leans down to press a soft kiss on my forehead.

I start shuffling paper's around and my eyebrows furrow, "Let me just finish—"

"Aqueela, come on. Go change and then come to bed."

I frown as he ignores my protesting. I brush strands of stray hair back from my bun and push myself up from the office chair. Before I leave the room, I place a kiss on Jay's cheek and head to the closet. After a quick shower, I change into pajamas and climb into Jay and I's bed sluggishly.

As soon as I lay down, I exhale and close my eyes and relish the feel of the soft sheets and pillows moving across my freshly washed skin, now free of sweat and no longer sticky and gross.

Jay then walks through the door with a mug in his hands. He shuts it behind him and passes the cup to me before crawling up on the bed and settling himself beside me.

Lifting myself slightly, I look down at the steaming mug then glance at him, "What's this?"

"Tea," Jay states as if it's the most ordinary thing in the world.


"It's tea, Aqueela."

A giddy and grateful smile breaks across my face as I place a kiss on his lips, "I can't believe you made me tea."

The corner of his mouth quirks up into an almost-smile but instead he says, "Well I mean, you've been working for a while and I just—I don't know—I figured... well you looked tired and—"

A laugh escapes my mouth as I interrupt him. I sip on the hot tea, the faint steam warming my face nicely, before kissing his cheek softly.

When I pull back, there's a soft, tentative smile on his face and I smile back at him, touching his cheek with my palm, "I love you."

I watch as Jay quietly sucks in a breath but his grin grows wider, "I love you too."

Once I drain the last drop of the tea, I set the mug down on the bedside table and sigh in relief. A warm feeling had settled in my chest from the hot liquid and it only made my yearning for sleep grow stronger.

Jay kisses the back of my head before pulling the sheets over us, he circles his arms around me and I snuggle deeper towards the pillows and him.

And as my breathing slows into a calm rhythm, I swear I can hear a soft 'goodnight' before sleep pulls me away.

i love these two so much.
writing fluff for them is my literal religion it's so fun.

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