news | jayeela one-shot

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all characters belong to CJ_Adler

a one-shot in which Jay Taylor gets some unexpected news.

The door of Jay and I's bedroom opens and Jay walks in, a look of surprise flashing across his face at the sight of me awake in the bed, "I thought you'd be asleep by now," he tells me as he shuts the door behind him.

I shake my head as he tosses his keys on the dresser and quickly changing out of his work clothes he wore during his shifts at the bar, "I couldn't sleep. And anyways, I bear news," I grin at him giddily but he just raises an eyebrow disbelievingly at me.

As he shrugs a clean shirt on he teases, "What? Did you teach Slobber a new trick? I know he knows how to sit, lay down, and...bite? Did you teach him that? Did Oog? What a weird thing to..." Jay starts rambling to himself rather than speaking to me, obviously tired from work.

Rolling my eyes, I get up from the bed and walk towards him before I'm standing right in front of Jay. I look up at him—he's looking at me—but he's still slightly muttering under his breath about Slobber's eating habits. Dork.

"I'm pregnant."

Immediately, Jay's speed talking is cut off, "What?" Jay says quietly, as if not hearing me correctly. His blue eyes slowly start to widen and his mouth is slightly open. I giggle at his expression.

My gaze then softens as I trace his jaw with my fingertips, skimming over his soft skin lightly, "I'm pregnant," I whisper to him, a smile creeping it's way upon my lips. He looks so cute right now.

Jay's face immediately changes from confusion to jovial in less than a second. His eyes go from my flat stomach to my face probably ten times before he actually does something. To my shock, he scoops me up in his arms and spins me around our room, I squeal at the sudden action despite the full-blown smile spread across my face.

I wrap my legs around his waist and cross my ankles behind his back to steady myself. My hands are wrapped around his neck while my fingers touch the hair at the nape of his neck. Laughter erupts from both of us as Jay yells out, "I'm gonna be a dad!"

Jay then slowly stops and pulls me closer, his palms under my thighs to hold me up. He presses his forehead against mine and whispers to me happily, almost like a child who's wonderstruck, "I'm gonna be dad."

As I stare into his blue eyes, I notice as they glass over before a tear spills down onto his cheek. I giggle and kiss it away as my own tears start to make their way down my face, "We're gonna be parents."

He slowly walks, him carrying me effortlessly to our bed and lays me down before settling beside me. Jay pulls the covers over us and brings his face close to mine, a grin permanently stamped across it.

"When did you find out?" Jay asks softly, his nose brushing mine as his warm fingertips skim across my stomach under the thin cotton of my shirt. I smile, "Four hours ago. I went to the store an hour before I found out to buy the test and I peed on it and... it was positive," I breathe out the last three words, my brain still needing to catch up with reality.

"I'm gonna be a dad, you're gonna be a mom," Jay repeats and my smile widens at his words. I press my lips to his softly before wiping away another one of his tears with my thumb. I snuggle closer to him and he wraps a strong arm around my waist, still smiling like an idiot.

So we stay there, me wrapped up un Jay's arms as we stare at eachother, crying silently for eachother—for the future of our new baby—and grin with the maddest grins we've ever had.


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