Of children and pinwheels

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Chapter 8: ' of children and pinwheels'

"The legend says that the pinwheels
Has magical properties, when you hold it up and the wind makes it spin, it means the wind is taking all your sorrows away with it. The stuck you're holding gathers all the sadness, pain, and hurt you feel in there. And transfers it to the colored wheel. Then the wind blows through the wheel right? The spinning means that you're pain is being washed away, and they're being released to the wind,so every time you're sad you hold up a pin wheel and let it works it's magic."

"We all have bits of issues that robbed bits of pieces of happiness from our life. I guess this is what makes the pained people so beautiful: their minds become a while new perspective, a kaleidoscope of thoughts and emotions that makes them different, but part if a family. It's like all the scared people are one big family of beautiful thoughts, and each person is just a different color that helps make up a spectrum. It's somehow like the imagination of a child; different because we can't understand; lovely, because we can't understand."
- jasper

" if only we all had the hearts and minds if children. It would be a beautiful world filled with lovely colors without hurt and pain"
- jasper

" everyone's a child deep down. Like children, we cling to whatever hope we find. No matter how ridiculous it sounds, like the pin wheel legend, we cling to it like a life line. We can't survive without hope. Hope that our problems have a solution. Hope that the pain and hurt will go away. Hope that life will get better. That's how we are. The sad thing is, many if us have forgotten what it's like to really be a child. We force ourselves to grow up to fast. We think that maybe the complacency of the adult mind can put all our problems into 'Mute', that it would all just stop hurting. Adults like to belittle children, when in fact they should learn how to be children once in a while. Everyone's forgotten what it's like to be a child. They don't want to admit it. But we're all children deep down."
- Claire

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