Dangerous Games

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So, I know these idols are NOT really like this. I tend to write on the darker side of things and have received some backlash for making certain characters the way they are. It is not intended to make them seem evil or smear their name. No, I just tend to use people I love because then the writing seems so much more worth it for me. And I'm sorry if I make your favorite idol hateful in this. I love these men all equally and would never once in my life think they could actually do anything like this~ I just wanted to clear that up~♡

This chapter has minor sexual advances towards a child (only for the first chapter) and other triggering scenes. Please read at your own risk.

Taehyung glanced up at his mother as she grabbed his hand, jerking him back a bit. "We don't run off without mommy," she cried, keeping him from running into the abandoned building. "Especially not here, baby. It's too dangerous here."

Taehyung glanced around, still small and still confused about the world. His tiny hand held onto his mother's hand though, walking cautiously beside her. His father walked ahead of them briskly, dressed nicely as Taehyung was unaware of what awaited them. Taehyung still walked slowly with his mother, looking at all his surroundings.

Taehyung's father stopped in front of someone as they slowly approached as well, standing behind his father to keep Taehyung out of view. Earlier, his parents had argued and argued about whether they should come to this meeting or not, and Taehyung didn't know why they were arguing. He peeked out from behind his father's legs, his mother yanking on his arm to keep him out of sight. "Well, who's this little guy?" the man asked his father. Taehyung looked up at the man with curiosity as his mother pulled him even closer. She knew they shouldn't have brought Taehyung to this meeting.

"What's it to you?" she asked, defensively. Taehyung watched as the man chuckled at his mother's rudeness. "I was just curious. I have a son who needs friends, though I'll admit he's not your son's age," he laughed softly. "He's very socially awkward and doesn't have any friends at all around his age."

Taehyung's mother patted Taehyung's head softly, pulling him close to her leg. "Oh... um, okay then. His name is Taehyung. He'll be four in December," she stated, smiling softly. Taehyung's father shook his head, grabbing the other man's attention again. "Ah, yes. The business arrangement," he stated, glancing down at Taehyung. "Are you sure he should be present for this conversation? He's kind of young," he noted. Taehyung's mother smacked his father's arm as he stared up at them. "I told you we should have found a damn babysitter," she complained, glaring at him.

Taehyung's father looked down apologetically. Even if his son would be taking over the business when he got older, he shouldn't be involving him in this at this young of an age. "Hoseok's out back if you want to take Taehyung out there to play instead," he stated, crouching down in front of Taehyung. He ruffled Taehyung's hair softly and showed his mother where she could take him.

She led him out where Hoseok's father had pointed them and found a young teenage boy sitting on the ground, playing in the dirt. "Um, are you Hoseok?" she asked, thinking he was way too old to be friends with her three-year-old son. The teenaged boy looked at her and then glanced at the small boy holding her hand. "Depends on who's asking," he stated smartly, shrugging his shoulders. He didn't like to be asked stupid questions, especially not by strangers. "Your father sent us out here. He said you would play with Taehyung if I left him here with you."

Hoseok glanced at Taehyung once again, the innocence of the tiny male appealing to him. "Sure," he stated, taking Taehyung's hand from his mother. She turned around and left the two of them there, hoping that Hoseok would be good to her baby while they did their business. Hoseok pulled Taehyung toward him, sitting the young boy next to him. "How old are you?" he asked, knowing he was quite young.

Obsession [Vhope/Taegi/vkook 21+] (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now