Killer Migraine

433 22 55

Hello, everyone~♡ I hope you're enjoying the story as it goes and thank you for the constant support~♡ I'm so happy that Obsession is almost at 700 views, like you guys make me so happy~♡ There will be sexual content in this chapter, so please be advised~♡ Please enjoy~♡♡♡


Yoongi sat with Jungkook, enjoying his company as he sat up in his bed, pain flared up in his chest once again. He coughed softly into the mask that pumped air into his lungs, placing a hand on his chest and leaning forward. 

Jungkook forcefully smiled, hiding his guilt behind his teeth as he tried his best to help Yoongi get comfortable in his position. "How do you feel?" he asked, feeling the threat of spilling everything that happened with Taehyung to his brother. He shared everything with Yoongi and this was the first secret he was going to have to keep from him. He didn't know how he was going to manage that at this moment as Yoongi smiled at him full heartedly. "They say the mask comes off in another couple days," he exclaimed happily, smiling brightly behind the mask.

Jungkook bit his lip and forced an extra effervescent smile back at Yoongi as he clasped Yoongi's hand tightly. "I'm so happy to hear that! You have no idea how worried about you I was,"  he exclaimed enthusiastically, his smile suddenly falling at his own words. Yoongi sighed softly as he ruffled Jungkook's hair, smiling at him softly as he tried to coax Jungkook to talk. "I knew something was wrong by the way you were acting," he stated softly, intertwining his fingers with Jungkook's. "Now, tell me. What's bothering you, baby brother?"

Jungkook felt his heart ache, feeling pain etch itself all across his old wounds at those heart shattering two words as he glanced up at Yoongi with tears in his eyes. "I- I seduced Taehyung," he blurted out, feeling his face flare with heat. "I- I fucked him while you were in surgery," he cried out, burying his face in his hands. All the feelings of anguish and regret he'd felt for the past few hours finally twisted their way out of his heart as he cried heavily into his hands. He couldn't even find the strength to face his brother as he sobbed heavily.

Yoongi's eyes remained wide as he watched Jungkook cry, his own eyes stinging with tears as he felt a small part of his heart crack at the amount of betrayal he felt. His eyes narrowed with rage at all the unanswered questions buried in his mind now, only for him to blink rapidly to keep from crying himself as he opened his mouth to speak. "Wh- Why w- would you do that to me?" he asked, gripping his hospital gown in frustration. He loved his brother too much to hate him, but he couldn't understand why they would both betray him like that.

Jungkook still sobbed heavily as he opened his mouth to breathe, unable to calm down as he answered Yoongi's question. "I- I d- didn't me- mean to do it! I- I ju- just have s- such deep feelings for h- him," he practically screamed, still sobbing heavily behind his hands. Yoongi could see Jungkook's tears slowly sliding down his wrists at how much he was crying and sighed softly in exasperation. "Jungkook. Calm down and try to help me understand this situation... I- I'm not mad, I'm just hurt... But I want to know why," he stated, trying to coax Jungkook once again to calm down.

Jungkook took several deep breaths, keeping his eyes hidden behind his hands as heavy, rapid sniffles made Jungkook's entire body shudder. "I- I'm sorry," he hiccupped softly, sniffling once again. He never once removed his hands from his eyes as he remained in his position, slowly explaining things to Yoongi. "I- it's just that nobody ever cared for me the way I wanted them to when we were growing up... I even joined a gang to get some sort of attention from mom and dad or even you, but you were always more worried about the danger. You told me so many times 'I told you so' when I'd get hurt or beaten. That wasn't what I wanted to hear... That wasn't what I wanted either. I wanted someone to care about me, to tell me my life had value and that I didn't need to put myself through all that for someone to love me..." He sniffled heavily once again, tears slowly rolling down his wrists once more.

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