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   After my conversation with Ben,  we exchanged numbers to each other to keep in tact.  I left the park with a grin on my face, suddenly feeling like I met a person who would understand me.  Most people don't understand me at all and it would always tear me apart.  I'm like a puddle people stomp all over me, every splash of every step, I lose a part of me.  It will always hurt me every time when I think about it.

  I arrived at my house and rushed to the kitchen.  My mom was busy making lasagna.  I want to surprise her so  I sneak up to her, every little step at a time.  When she turned around, I said.

"Hey" She got startled that she burned her hand on the tray as she was taking the lasagna out of the oven.

"Ella, you scared the shit out of me" my mom said as sets the lasagna on top of the oven and puts water on her burned hand, hissing in pain.  Now I felt so bad for startling her.

"Sorry mom" I helped her heal her burned hand by placing a cold cloth on her hand.  "It's alright,  you were probably happy about something." My mom said.

We sat on the dinner table.  My mom is the type of person who want to know what's going on about my social life.  I'm surprised that she even made a Twitter instead of Facebook.   My mom looked at me and gave me her eye smile.

"So how was your walk in the park?" My mom asked.

I was still grinning like crazy that my mom pretty much got the hint. " So something happened? Please tell me, I want to know and I bet your dad wants to know too when he gets home from work".  I would keep it all to myself but I know how my mom can be even though she is only 45 years old.  Well time for me to spit it out.

"I met a guy at the park"

"Was he a gentleman?" My mom asked.

"Of course he is, and also he is an artist.  He's not like any other guy that I met in the past" My mom started to squeal a little and was smiling like glee.  She cupped my face with her hands and stare at me with those eyes.

"You know, you should thank the Lord for having you meet someone who can grow to understand you, unlike your ex boyfriend" She scoffed after emphasizing my ex boyfriend.  I guess everyone wants to know who and why did I break up with my ex boyfriend right?  Just like how other relationships end, they always end up having one leave because of long distance relationship.  That happened to me, I used to date this guy named Kenny Smith. 

Sure he was a decent guy but we only lasted 2 months because let's just say..........he has to go to Thailand for volunteer work.  I have to admit those are good 2 months that I had with him but my mom hated the idea of love that is not so sincere.

After supper,  I went to my bedroom to read.  I don't just read because I enjoy it, I read because it's my escape from everything.  I'm lying on my bed, reading a book about sacrificial love.  Not the love that you sacrifice for yourself, it's the love that you sacrifice for your love and everyone around you.  Though in our town, its not really common for anyone to read these kind of books like I do.  People say that the books that I read, are mostly not going to happen because those kind of things "don't exist".  Well my escape didn't last long until my phone vibrated.  I put my book done on my dresser and picked up my phone to see who texted me.

To: Ella

From: Ben

Hey special girl, I was thinking we should you something well idk to not make things complicated.

To: Ben

From: Ella

What is that you are trying to imply here?

To: Ella 

From: Ben 

I was thinking maybe we should start comepleting you bucket list.  Today is a good day to get a head start right?

I chuckled.

To: Ben 

From: Ella

Yeah, where should we meet?

To: Ella

From: Ben

At that small cafe downtown

I smiled, I never thought of  getting my bucket list completed today.  But what can I say, Ben asked.

To: Ben

From: Ella

Alright, I'm on my way;)


I'm so sorry that it took this long to update because so many things that is going on in my life.  Since I have that time and I was listening to some EDM while writing this chapter so lets just say that I'm in a good mood.  See ya lovelies:)

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