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Natasha's POV

"Romanoff, what's wrong? You have been sad lately. Are you sick? " Steve asked.

"Nothing, Steve. I'm fine. " I smiled and drink my juice at the table.

We Avengers, are busy on finding ways to defeat our only villain this time, Thanos. Everythings fine since Thanos was not yet planning to attack us. I am pretty sure he's planning to attack us at the perfect time.

And, it's been a year since almost everyone faded away..

We didn't gave up any bit. We are still figuring out where Thanos placed them.

"Captain Rogers, Mr. Stark is calling for a meeting at the main room. " Jarvis opened the door and signalled us to go out.

By the way, Stark decided to join forces to us since he already came back from space with Nebula. He arrived at the Avengers Headquearters last year. We accepted him to come with us again.

Steve and I went out of the room and went to our main meeting room. Everyone is sitting there, waiting for us.

Oh, the people who are in here is Stark, Thor, Banner, Rhodes, Rocket and Nebula.

" Are you ok, Romanoff? " Stark raised one of his eye brows. I nodded. We sat at the table then discussed things.

But the thing is, my mind was telling me.......

Don't listen........

Wait what??? Why shouldn't I listen? I trashed that thought away and listened to them.

*Time skip: 10 at the evening*

I went to my room and locked the door. Steve's right. Something is really wrong to me. I can feel...

Sadness and Regrets.

Why is this happening to me???

"Nat? " I heard a knock on the door. I hesitated to get up but soon did.

"Oh hey Steve" I smiled and let him inside my room.

"Tell me. "

"Tell you what? " I asked, confused.

"Oh come on, Nat. I know something is wrong with you. I can see it. So don't hide it. Please? " Steve looked at me. I panicked and looked down.

Shit what am I going to do!!! I can't tell him!

"Headaches only, Steve. Nothing big. " I smiled. Steve looked at me, hesitating to believe, but soon nodded.


Chappy 1 is done!!! ♥

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