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"Want something to drink?" Taehyung ask, staring at Jungkook; he want to hug him and kiss him and whine continuously cause he missed him so much and he can't believe that Jungkook is standing still a few feet away, head hanging down and looking so absent mind "Jungkook" Taehyung call again, fidgeting in his place not knowing what to do with the other

"mmmm" Jungkook hum, raising his eyes up to gaze at Taehyung who smile warmly at him, eyes twinkling with pure happiness just to see him; Jungkook melt like he always do when he look at Taehyung

God it hurt so much Jungkook fight to keep his façade And it's going to hurt so much more

Taehyung's smile falter when he saw the dull expression on the younger's face, he licked his lips before grinning again, this time wider "I guess you were so busy, your face looks tired" He smile softly when Jungkook met his eyes again "Want me to cook something for you? Are you hungry or anything?"

Jungkook is selfish and coward and all the things that Jimin told him he's that's why even tho he know that he should be telling Taehyung the truth, he couldn't resist wanting him...

A small soft smile tug at his lips as he eye Taehyung; the teacher is so cute effortlessly in red shorts and an oversized tee, his eyes are wide and hesitant, hair messy and ruffled and a small pout adorning his lips

He's so so so cute and pretty and without even trying, and Jungkook's struggle to compose himself and to act strong is not working for him, he can't stop his heart from beating for Taehyung or his body from yearning to him

"Come here" He settle on saying

"Me??" Taehyung blink blushing when Jungkook raise a brow at him, he giggle nervously blushing even more "Yes of course" He walk toward him pouting when the younger reach for him pulling him into his arms sighing when Taehyung pressed against him almost immediately melting into him "I missed you" Taehyung whisper into his neck wrapping his arms around the younger's neck

"You've no idea" Jungkook breathe out, hands rubbing up and down the teacher's back, he wrapped his arms around the narrow waist tightly but carefully not to hurt the precious person between his arms, he smile when he felt Taehyung clinging to him even more, although it's practically impossible but he loved the way their bodies were so flush together

How could he tell him? How could he give up on all this? How could he live without Taehyung's presence in his life?

"I was worried about you" Taehyung muffle pouting slightly "You didn't even send me a text"

Jungkook tense a little before relaxing again, moving his head back to gaze at Taehyung "I'm sorry, I was so busy"

Taehyung stare at him, eyes roaming his face eagerly before sighing "Is everything ok? Even Jimin didn't show up for days"

Jungkook blink trying not to show any sign of panicking, he bit his lip before muttering "It's been a hard days for all of us"

Taehyung's soften, hand caressing the thick black strands adoringly "Poor babe, are you alright?"

Jungkook felt like crying but he hold back his tears gritting his teeth before nodding choking out "I'm just tired"

Taehyung coo thumbing gently at his cheek before kissing his forehead lovingly "I'm sorry babe, you should've rested before coming here"

"Don't__ don't apologize to me for anything" Jungkook breathe out, tears shining in his eyes "Kiss me instead"

Taehyung sensed something wrong but he didn't want to bother the younger more, especially when he looked so down and drained, he settle on leaning forward capturing Jungkook's lips in a soft gentle kiss, he caress his lips tenderly, heart racing up when the younger sigh softly into his lips, returning the kiss slowly unhurried.....

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