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"You saw him even tho i warned you about it?"

Jungkook snap his head back, biting his lip when he saw his mother, he stand from his bed mumbling "Who?"

Kyungri narrowed his eyes at him, stepping closer eying him in irritation "Do you think you can fool me Jungkook?"

Jungkook cast his eyes down, biting the inside of his mouth hard that he tasted blood

"You know how much did you disappoint your father today? Do you know how much you hurt him by your attitude? And for what?" She grunt, expression darken in hate "For that slut?"


"You shut up" Kyungri snap, more angrier with Jungkook's protest "He is and more"

"I love him" Jungkook's voice shake, he hung his head down whispering "I love him so much"

"Then you wouldn't want to hurt him son?"

Jungkook flinch, looking up at his mother in terror "MOTHER"

"You know I can make his life a living hell if I want" She say blankly "I can make him suffer so much, I can make him pay for seducing you and for playing with my family"

"Mother you can't" Jungkook shake his head violently, tears already falling from his eyes "You can't___ he didn't do anything wrong"

"Shut up" She groan glaring at him "Stop defending him"

"I'm not__" Jungkook tremble, cold gripping at his heart "I'm not I swear, he didn't do anything, I did__ I did mother"

"FUCKING SHUT UP" Kyungri shout in fury, pushing her trembling fingers into her hair "Let's see" She take in a deep breath regaining her composure "I'll make a deal with you Jungkook"

Jungkook close his eyes letting the defeating tears roll down his face

Kyungri eyed him again making a face when she saw the tears on his face "You'll do as I say and in return I'll leave him alone"

Jungkook nod fast sniffling "I'll do, I'll do anything you want but spare him please"

She hiss in anger, fists twitching by her sides, she breathe harshly gritting her teeth before saying "Tomorrow I'll tell you what you've to do, now I can't look at your face" She grimace turning to walk out of the room

Jungkook whimper sliding down to curl to himself on the floor, he tremble violently as sobs cut through his throat "I'm sorry Tae, I'm sorry"

"Kookie" Jihoon whisper, walking toward the man, he crouch in front of him peering at his face "Kookie are you hurt? Why are you crying?"

Jungkook hiccup, wiping his face in his sweater smiling up at the little boy "No no baby, I'm fine"

"You're crying" tears well up Jihoon's eyes and his lips quiver looking at Jungkook

"No no no sweetie no" Jungkook pulled him into his arms hugging him tightly "I'm not, I swear I'm not" He stroke his hair fondly whispering "I'm fine, I'm just tired baby, that's all"

"I don't want you to cry" Jihoon hiccup burying his face in Jungkook's chest

"I won't cry" Jungkook press a kiss to his head smiling "I've you so why I'm going to cry?"

"Let's go to Taetae, please Kookie" Jihoon muffle, clinging to him tightly

"W w what?" Jungkook say, his voice sounded strained and awkward even to his ear and he purses his lips tightly so he won't let out his sobs

"I don't like the house lately" Jihoon mutter quietly, playing with the bottoms of Jungkook's tee, he glance up at him pouting with big eyes "It's no fun"

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