Just Climb - Chapter Two

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Damien's P.O.V

I could feel my adrenaline growing with each step. The NCF{°} were still trying to chase after us, I could faintly hear their feet pounding the ground. Chauncey seemed to be losing energy quickly from the sudden sprinting. What do I do now? I'm supposed to protect him...

We came to a small clearing with tall grass and wild flowers. I spotted a thorn bush and decided that that'd be a great place to hide. "Chancey, get in the bush quickly." I whisper-yelled at him. He nodded hastily but crawled in none the less. I followed in suit and pulled some of the dead fallen leaves to cover where we came in.

Chauncey was shaking and wide eyed. I can understand why. We haven't had to run from the NCF for years. In fact, we were so young when it all first happened. He probably started to grow fond of that old cabin we lived together in. That cabin was basically our entire lives.

"D-Damien?" I heard him whisper out in a shaky but hushed voice. I looked in his direction.

"Yeah Chancey?" I looked at his fear struck face. God, it broke my heart to see him like this.

"I'm... I'm so scared." He trembles and tears begin to soak his face. I quickly gathered him into a warm gentle hug. "W-what if they f-find us?" He began to choke on his tears.

"Shh I've got you, it'll be alright. I promise." I held him tighter and rocked back and forth. His face was snug on my chest and his small fragile hand was gripping my shirt.

Frantic footsteps were jogging past. "We have to find those friggin' animals Ranker! They've been on the run for too long!" I heard one of the voices say. I heard a grunt.

"Don't worry Jackson, we'll find those discusting things." The other spat out and they continued their journey forward in look for us.

Once they were a good distance away I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. Chauncey was still clinging to me but he was tense. I nudged him to move and he jumped a little.

"Sorry." I muttered quietly giving him another nudge. He moved that time and crawled forward slowly. I followed suit, my ears twitching every once in a while.

"C-can you go first Damien?" He asked shyly, eyes wide with fear. I nodded and continued to crawl out. I peered above the tall grass lifting a hand to lean on the other. My tail was still and I had my ears flat.

The two NCF officers were long gone. I motioned Chauncey to come out and stood just a bit into a crouching position. He did the same and clutched the back of my shirt. I looked ahead seeing that the area was even more heavily wooded than the way the officers went.

'C'mon Chauncey." I said gently, slowly walking through the grass with Chauncey crouched even more than I was next to me. I wrapped my tail with his to keep him distracted. I could see him blush in the corner of my eyes. So innocent.

The heavily wooded area we we heading for was finally in front of us. I stood a bit more and scoped the area making it was okay to continue without having to crouch. My tail bushed and my ears twitched as Chauncey's tail tensed around mine.

"Hey it's fine Cha-" I got cut off by a blood curtling yell. I shivered and looked back. One of the officers was pinned to the ground by a young bear cub. I was torn between helping and running until I saw the other officer pointing his usless taser at the poor cub. I snapped out of it and looked in front of us. There was a large branch-covered tree.

"Chauncey I need you to climb the tree." I pushed him forward glancing behind us.

"But Damien you know I can't get back do-" I cut him off.

"I know sweetheart, but when the time comes I'll help you." I pushed him again. His face turned pink.

"But-" I cut him off again. There's no time for this.

"Just climb Chauncey!" I whisper yelled as to not get the officer's attention. He bit his lip and nodded. His eyes roamed up the huge tree and crouched, getting ready to leap up to the closest branch.

  I watched as his lean legs lifted from the ground and up to the branch in one swift movement. I glanced behind before following suit. Once I have balance on the branch I notice Chauncey is practically hugging the tree. I pat his back to urge him to continue up a little.

He glared back at me before climbing two branches higher. I follow once again and note that the leaves cover us at this height. With my hands clutching his shoulders, I peek around the trunk to see if we can continue forward.

"Okay c'mon Chauncey, we can move forward now." I give him a small smile and watch as he carefully crawls across the thick branches. I simply stand and hop to the branch he's on, making it wobble a little. I chuckle quietly as I see him stiffen and clench his hands.

At this rate we might be about a mile in by night fall. I feel an urge of proudness flowing through me as I watch Chauncey and how well he's getting through all this. In time all of this will be over and we can live in peace. I know we will.


{°} - NCF stands for Neko Control Force. They are a government controlled group that live to hunt and execute Nekos.

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