Chapter 1

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I heard a loud thud outside of the door to the unfamiliar room I found myself in and my eyes fluttered open. I looked around the room but it was too dark to make out any furniture. There was another thud and I dragged myself out of the mysterious bed I was lying on. I was wasted, just like everyone else at the party. It was New Year's Eve. The night had been filled with an endless number of shots and frat guys. I made my way to the door having to step over piles of dirty clothes and empty drinking cups. There were two more loud thuds. I couldn't tell if they were coming from outside the room or from my head. I tried turning the knob a couple times only to realize it was locked. As soon as I heard the click the door swung open. The scent of cheap liquor and cigarettes came from whoever was standing in front of me.


I felt around the wall for the light switch. The light flicked on and I looked up from where my eyes were fixated at my feet. Drenched in water was a man; his face covered with his hood and his jeans fraying at the seams. He stood at least a foot taller than I. I. He gaped down at me with sad eyes. I assumed it was just the large quantites of alcohol he had most likely consumed that night. I didn't recognize him. Maybe he was someone I had met the during the party. But he had called me Ash.. and one thing I knew for sure was that my name was not Ash.

"I'm sorry I have the wrong person," the mystery boy chuckled, "and your name is?"

"Sadie" I glanced behind the beautiful boy to see if there was anyone behind him.

"Pretty name for a beautiful girl," He looked down once more at me and smirked. He turned around and headed back towards the door. He twisted the knob and left me just the way he had when he entered, confused. My body began to move without my mind's consent and I swung open the door to reveal the blonde boy trudging down the hallway.

"Wait!" I began running towards him. He glanced at me and smiled, his glazed over eyes dimmed from the dark hallway. I hadn't noticed before the tattoos blanketing his arms and chest that peeked out from his white v neck. I began again, my words slightly slurring from the wild night that began only a few hours ago, "You never told me your name."

"It's Niall." He turned around once again, the smile leaving his face. I stood still and watched as he made his way slowly down the staircase. I looked around the hallway unsure of where to go. I was at a fraternity where only hours ago music was blaring and people were dancing. It was quiet now, the faint noise of people talking from downstairs and a shower running in a nearby bathroom. I hadn't noticed the people passed out on the ground and the heavy smell of vodka and rum. I began to choke and ran to the nearest bathroom. I cursed as all of the liquid I had consumed from the night was poured out in front of me.

I made my way down the staircase in search of someone familiar. I peered around the corner where boxes of pizza and empty bottles had found their way to the floor. I heard whispering as I stepped into the kitchen. The lights were off but I made my way towards what seemed to be the counter. I bumped into an object and yelped. Lights turned on and in front of me stood a dark, handsome boy. He looked down at me and smirked. I drew my eyes away from him towards the other figure to his right. A blonde with too much make up wrapped her arms around his upper bicep. I scrunched my nose at the sight of her extremely short dress and orange face.

"Can we help you?" She rolled her eyes at me and leaned back onto the counter. The tall boy pulled himself away from the girl and continued to smirk, his arms crossed against his chest. I turned away apologizing and made my way towards the front door of the house. The cold breeze hit my face and I squinted trying to make my way towards where my dorm was across the road. I heard someone slam the front door behind me but ignored it and continued to push myself through the drunken party goers passed out on the front lawn. I felt a warm hand grasp my wrist as I tried to pull away.

"What is your name?" The pretty eyed boy questioned me.

"Why does everyone keep asking me that?" I was still drunk, it had only been a few hours since I passed out in the unfamiliar bedroom. I could barely make out the boy's expression in the dark. He began to tighten his grip and seemed to almost growl at me.

"I asked what your name is, I suggest you tell me." I pulled my arm out of his grasp and his eyes fluttered shut for a second then reopened.

"Get away from me. I don't know you.." I slurred, "nor do I want to." I made my way towards the street. I heard more footsteps behind me and voices, almost arguing. Then the footsteps began to speed up, getting closer and closer to where I was.

"I said get away!" I turned and let out a yelp as two arms wrapped around my shoulders picking me up off the ground. I started thrashing and screaming.

"Shh..shh it's alright calm down." It was a different voice, a somewhat familiar one. I felt his hands lower to my hips as he placed me back down on the concrete. I looked up at the blonde boy behind me, Niall he said his name was.

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