Chapter 2

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                                                        The Spoiled Lamb

             ~I am not spoiled everyone is just accommodating~

Gupta Residence

"Come on Khushi...Get up...I am giving you only 5 minutes to get ready", a woman's annoyed voice called to the girl upstairs who was sleeping cosily wrapped up in the blankets. As the voice brought her out of her sleepy state she groaned, sticking out her head from under the blankets to looked groggily at the clock. The hands of the clock showed that it was nearing 7.30 a.m.

She again withdrew her head in the blankets groaning "Mom, I have atleast half an hour to get ready, the college starts at 8.00 a.m, "Khushi Beta if you sleep for 5 more minutes there won't be any harm", She muttered fuzzily to herself and dropped down in a deep sleep again.

"Miss Khushi Kumari Gupta", a woman's voice thundered near her ear. " I am telling you for the last time to wake up and get ready". The woman paused near khushi's bed and tapped her wrist watch, showing the time to her who was looking owlishly, from under the bed covers at the now furiously scowling woman whose gentle and delicate face was now marred by a deep frown.

She shared elfin feature and a petite frame with her daughter and at the moment her reddish brown curls were falling loose from a messy top knot on her head. Khushi's own hair were a darker shade of brown like her father...

"Young lady i won't do any compromise on this, now you have only five minutes left to get ready, "her mother was saying in a tight-lipped voice to Khushi. "Mom I only wanted to sleep for no more than 5 minutes", Khushi pouted.

"Young lady no tantrums in the morning, Do as I am telling you otherwise after 5 minutes I will drag you down to your college in your night pyjamas", Mrs Shashi Gupta said sternly.

"Nooo, mom", Khushi jumped straight from the bed , ran into the bathroom without pausing in mid stride and banged the door so hard that Mrs Gupta winced. "Mom you are so cruel, I am your only child", khushi howled from behind the door. "Khushi I am warning you, only 5 minutes", Mrs Gupta reminded her sternly but she was suppressing her smile so hard that an adorable dimple was forming on her right cheek.. She knew her daughter's antics and blackmailing techniques so well.

Her smile vanished as there came a sudden sound of crash from behind the bathroom door, followed by the groan of Khushi and the sound of some assortments falling and rolling on the ground. A startled Mrs. Gupta hurried towards the bathroom. "Khushi bacchay are you alright? Did you hurt yourself?", She asked worriedly, placing her ear on the wooden door to listen to what was her clumsy daughter trying to do. These days Khushi's clumsiness instead of reducing was growing at an alarming rate. Everyday she was involved in little accidents and almost daily she came home with minor injuries and a guilty look on her face.

Her daughter was certainly changing, but Garima was certain of one thing that Khushi wasn't bullying or picking up fights inside her college. But what was she up to, Garima had no idea about that. But she was sure doing something crazy on that she had no doubt...

But Garima was included in the list of those mothers who respect their children's individuality and give them a much needed space. So she hadn't asked her anything but she will some day when the right moment would arrive to talk...

"Khushi", Garima tapped at the door, her voice full of concern for her only daughter...

"No problem Mom, just doing my routine adventure", Khushi's muffled laughter came from behind the door. "Oh Khushi really you are sometimes...too...much", Mrs Gupta heaved a sigh of relief. "You and your clumsiness", She hurried from the room huffing and puffing exasperatedly.

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