Chapter 3

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Your eyes fluttered open to the sound of shuffling feet scattering down the halls. You sat up and rubbed your eyes, not really wanting to get up but you figured you should. You had no idea what time it was but judging by the night sky, you knew it was late. As if that wasn't obvious enough.

A sheet wrapped around your body as you walked to your bedroom door, opening it just enough for you to peak your head out. The shuffling sounds had ceased and you brought it upon yourself to wander about the halls.

The only light shown was the moonlight radiating through the windows down the hall. You had to push yourself down the hall, the sheet still enveloping your body as you walked.

You couldn't help but think about the last time you and Levi had actually talked... Not when he told you his story, nor when you told him yours... But before you ran away. You looked down to your wrist and stared while in thought.

He had said he loved you... But he said he couldn't handle you either...

Would it be better to leave him alone or?

Sigh, who knows.

You looked up at the sound of slight groans. They had come from Levi's office down the hall and to the left.

"L-Levi?" You whimpered, as you didn't want to speak.

You gripped the sheets tightly and pushed yourself down the hall until you reached his office. Removing one hand from the sheet, you turned the doorknob, opening the door just a bit.

The sight was unsettling...

"Levi Ackerman!" You yelled as you dashed through the door at full sprint. He looked up, horror in his eyes as he dropped the blade that rested between his fingers and wrist. "What the hell are you doing?!" Tears welled up in his eyes as he shut down, blood rising to the slit of his wrist. You wrapped your arms around him. He was still sitting in his seat while you were standing so you pulled his hand to your chest, holding him close as he balled. His hands reached for your arms, holding on as you held onto him. "What were you thinking?..." You whispered.

"I-I wanted to understand!" He hiccuped between sobs. "I didn't understand why you did this to yourself and I wanted to understand so I-"

"No, Levi... Please no-" Water brimmed the edges of your eyes. "Please, no..."

"I'm so sorry you ever felt like this was your only option, (Y/n). I should have been more compassionate. I-I-"

"N-No, it's okay, Levi. I'm a tough one to handle or understand. I should be the one apologizing." You removed the sheet from your body and ripped off an edge. You used it to wrap around his wound an he hissed at the contact. "Please Levi... May I stay with you tonight? And we can just talk?"

"You? Want to talk?" He inquired.


He thought for a moment before standing. He held out his good hand, waiting for you to take it in return. You placed your hands in his and he walked you across his office, opening the door that led into his room. He shut the door behind the two of you as he ran his fingers through his hair, still recovering from the tears that just left him. You had placed yourself on his bed where you made yourself comfortable and got cozy under the covers. Things weren't as awkward as you'd thought they'd be. In fact you never felt better. Just being in his presence made you happy.

He looked to you and gave a very smug smile before hopping on the bed. Things had been quiet for a bit before you decided to speak up.

"Do you remember when I first got here? How I was so determined, strong, and smart... I never spoke and, I mean, I still don't speak much, but now I'm just... Weak and-"

"A brat?" Levi interjected.

You furrowed your brows at him but couldn't and laugh at the smirk that was playing at his lips. "I'm being serious, Levi."

"I am too. You were a brat just like you are now... Though now you do speak more, your determined, much stronger, and even smarter..."

"I'm not."

He looked at you and tilted his head a bit. "But you are," his voice was soft. He leaned in and kissed your forehead gently before shutting his eyes. "I suggest you get some rest, as it is very late..."

"But your wound-"

He hushed you. "We can tackle that issue in the morning."

"Yes sir..."

One of his eyes peeked open. "Did you just call me sir?"

"Mhm." You hummed as you shut your eyes, getting comfortable.

"I liked that... Considering it's been awhile since I was actually in charge of you." A smirk pursed at his lips.

"Go to bed and I can call you that all you want in the morning..."

His cheeks flushed as he shook his head. "I shouldn't be thinking like this..."

A smile formed on your face as you drifted to sleep.


Erwin had heard a commotion down the hall and he decided to check on it. He took no hurry as he went down the hall, as it was very late so it couldn't have been anything too bad. Levi's office door was open so he peaked in, though no one was there. He made his way across the room to Levi's bedroom where he creaked open the door. There he found Levi and you together, sleeping close to one-another. The covers were pulled up to your shoulders and Levi's head was leaned against your chest where he was snoozing away. Erwin chuckled... He had never seen Levi so peaceful.

And this was true. Levi was at peace despite all the commotion he had been through lately. You were a piece of work, but you were his piece of work. And that's what mattered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2019 ⏰

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