Chapter 2

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The ride wasn't what you thought it'd be...

You held onto Levi as he steered his horse in the direction of the wall. Not a single word left your mouth the entire ride there and Levi didn't speak either.

Though the wall was in sight now, so Levi took it upon himself talk, even though he wasn't ready.

"I-I need to tell you something. Something about my past..." He spoke softly as his horse galloped through the field of grass.

You gulped, knowing where this was going... You were going to tell him about yourself too...


Levi stopped at the gate of the wall with the other squad leaders as the gate descended. Levi didn't have to say it but you knew he expected a story from you.

A story from you would help him understand you more, and besides, if he can open up to you then you can open up to him. He must really like you if he was willing to do that for you...

The gate was now fully open. As you all walked your horses through the towns, children gathered to see. They loved seeing the Scouts come and go. It brought them joy.

You smiled at the sight of children smiling at you. It actually warmed your heart.

"Levi..." You spoke softly, leaning your head against his back while your arms draped around his waist.

His eyes flickered, widening a bit also. "Hm?"

You hesitated, breathed in, and spoke. "I need to tell you a little about my past. Just... Just why I am the way I am." He nodded, continuing to walk his horse down the streets, following behind the other squad members.

You raised your voice, in hopes the other squad members would hear you. You thought it would be best if they knew about you too and you didn't want to have to say it again later.

"It started when I was about 9 and it was just my mother, father, and I. My mother loved my father more than anything even though she knew about his problems... My father was a drinker. A really bad one... He would skip work most nights to go drink, leaving my mom and me home to worry in hopes that he'd come home safe. But he wasn't a nice drinker. He would grow more aggressive with each drink he had and he would take it out on my mother and me... Well, one night he was exceptionally drunk. Slurring his words, tripping over his own feet... Yelling..."You shut your eyes as you leaned against Levi. "One night it was the same thing but my mother had had enough. She decided to confront him about not going to work, which only made my father angry. He began yelling 'Maybe if your fat-ass got a job then we wouldn't be in this mess.' My mom, of course, cried... But she pushed him, hard. He fell onto our coffee table, breaking it in the process... God, how I wish he had never gotten up..." You said, tightening your grip around Levi. The other squad leader's eyes were widened, though they were faced forward as they walked their horses. "He... He stood up after a minute or so. His expression was enraged mixed the fluster from his drinks. He charged at my mother, her screaming 'Please, Charles! I'm sorry! You know I love you!' But he didn't stop. He wrapped his large hands around my mother's throat, strangling her until her face grew purple. I-I panicked... I reached for our kitchen knife and lunged at my father, stabbing him in the back. My mother gasped for air as he fell to the floor but the moment she understood what had happened, she screamed." Tears welled up in your eyes, but you wiped them away. "She dropped to the floor, holding my father. She yelled,  '(Y/n), what did you do?! What did you do?!' She stood and slapped me across the face. 'How could you do this?!' She'd said. But I was in shock. I looked her in the eyes and said, 'Momma... He was going to kill you...' She slapped me again, pushed me against the wall, and screamed 'No he wasn't! He wouldn't do that! He loves me! I hate you! I hate you, you good for nothing brat! I hate you!'... I cried my eyes out... saying 'But momma...' Though, there was no point. From that point on she wouldn't look me in the eye... Any action she didn't like, she'd hit me... I wasn't her daughter... In her eyes, I was a monster who killed the only person she loved..." You finished.

We had reached HQ by then and everyone was silent. We all got off our horses and put them away. Before they left, each of them came to me.

Hanji bent down, hugging me close. "I'm glad you're back kiddo."

Mike didn't bend down. He just pulled me to him, letting my head rest against his chest. "Hmm." He hummed before walking away.

Erwin was next, embracing me in a big hug. "I'm sorry, (Y/n)." He whispered. He placed a soft kiss on my head before leaving.

You looked up to Levi who was watching you intently. "Come here." He demanded in a soft voice. You listened and walked to him, wrapping your arms around him without hesitation.

You cried. Cried harder than you had ever cried in your life. You didn't understand it but you must have just bundled up all of your past emotions and hid them all these years. It was bound to come out at some point right?

Levi wrapped his arms around you and lifted you up bridal style. "You should rest..."


That was all you received from him. No "I'm sorry." No "I'm here for you." No nothing... But that was okay. You knew deep down he cared and that it would just take awhile for him to get back into the swing of things. Just wait.

That's the end of this chapter! I hope you liked it! :)

Epiphany- A Levi x Reader Sequel to EnmityWhere stories live. Discover now