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"REUBEN!" "LEAVE THE DOG ALONE" Aunt Marie shouted, yet Reuben ignored her calls. The dog was fun, Reuben thought.
Definitely more fun than doing the washing up. A sly smirk appeared on his face, then, just to aggravate his aunt even further, he launched himself in to the muddy puddle next to him. Well, I already had my trousers dirty, why not finish the deal?
And what happened next?
Aunt Marie roared like a bear and ran to Reuben, pulling him out the mud by the tag on his shirt, making Reuben yelp in the process.
"Get to your room, get changed and you're going to make up for your behaviour, mister!" Aunt Marie growled, Reuben could've sworn he saw smoke come out of her ears.

"Adelaide!" "Have you finished your food?" Adelaide's mother, Bea asked, sending a kind smile her way. As per usual, Adelaide would smile back, take her plate to the sink, wash it up and then gingerly skip up the stairs, yelling 'Goodnight mother, love you!' As she skipped up.
It was their daily routine, Adelaide would wake up, make herself breakfast as her mother would already be out and then go to the library, reading scrolls of a once mystical place called the 'Tallest Tower'. Every day Adelaide would grab the same book, read a few more of its pages and then continue on with her everyday schedule.
But this day was different.
Adelaide smelt something different in the air, it wasn't the fresh smell of spices her mother would always cook with, it was different. Burnt.
Adelaide ran downstairs, finding her mother holding a pan full of burning bacon. A guilty look fell upon her mother's face.
Adelaide shrugged it off and ran back upstairs.
She ran and fell on her small red bed and let the smell of lavender sheets lull her to sleep.

Reuben got changed as his aunt had asked, and walked back downstairs to find a note sitting on the counter. The note looked old, the writing barely understandable and the smell of it radiated in his face.
'Save the tower, protect the girl, kill the Terrors lurking in the dark'
Now that scared Reuben. A phrase he heard every night in his dreams, a phrase he only saw once on an old book in the library was now here, on an old piece of paper on his kitchen table.

Thanks for reading the first semi-chapter of  The Tallest Tower!
Much love -Dayze

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