Chapter 1:First Mission

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"Hey Chaos you weakling get over"said Prince Vegeta "We are going on a mission to planet Fret and you are going with me for a change" Chaos was know five and hadn't trained a single all he did was sit and look into space with little emotion"Really Vegeta!"Chaos would say smirking and ready to go"Hurry and get in the pod" Vegeta would say as they blasted off and began to head into space. "Now entering Chronoic rest" the pod would say it blew out smoke and Chaos and Vegeta were out cold.

"Wake up fool!"Vegeta would say threw the ship communicator suddenly Chaos would jump up as he bumped his head on the metal creating a lump in it throwing off his path to his planet he would land on the other side of it."Well guess I'll kill this half and Vegeta and will kill the other half" he then flew up looked down on the peaceful Freters"I am going to kill them all"he would say as he flew towards the city"Goodbye"he would then began to charge up a beam the beam would be red and large the Fret people then began to worry as all they saw was a bright red light up in the sky heading towards them"Look mommy"a little Fret girl said as the energy ball hit the ground she would be killed not even 5 seconds later.

"Good" he smirked evilly as he only saw ashes of buildings and burnt body parts"I should go see if Vegeta finished if I can do this I wonder what can Vegeta do"Chaos's dark red aura appeared around him he flew to the other side Fret"I will kill you all!" An angered and injured Vegeta shouted as he blasted a Fret warrior through his stomach Vegeta's power level was only 1500 and each of the Freters were 500"Saiyan you shouldn't have come here" said the leader of the group with a serious face"Now we have to kill you" said Malak the leaders protégé"It will you who be killed" Vegeta said as he sent a beam his way but Malak deflected it and rushed at Vegeta only to be knocked to the ground"Chaos is dead if they are all this strong"Vegeta said panting before being surprised by a shockwave of an attack shook the planet he covered his face as rocks darted towards everyone's way"Or stronger"he would think before turning on the camera on his armor to record every action from then on he knew he was going to die.

"Curse you demon" the leader would rushing at Vegeta after the shockwave angered by the death of his people"You've killed millions of us"Vegeta would look confused before being punched in the stomach"Aggh"is the sound he would make as blood spurted from his mouth he looked up at the Fret leader only to see a blue light beam held close to his"Goodbye"the Fret leader would say before making the sound"Aagh uhhh"blood dripped on Vegeta's face as a hand had went through the Frets stomach and he was killed"Your weak Vegeta"Chaos would say with a smug look on his face and an evil grin"And I just figured it out"He said before beaming Vegeta's body and turning it to ashes everything except the camera"Now time to finish these weaklings"Chaos did not do it quickly he hunted each on of them down Fret by Fret killing them all by either beating,Broken neck or delimbing and leavening then to bleed out Chaos's Havok had just started he wasn't done killing he left the planet to return to Vegeta and tell the King of Prince Vegeta's death.

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