Chapter 10

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Melanie's Pov

"I know this is not the right time,but where are you taking us. And why are the guys in the trunk." I said. "Because it was Zayn's idea. And we're going to the airport." "I haven't had anything to eat this morning, cause we were in a rush, so could we just stop and get a bite." said Sofia. "Fine." said Niall pulling over. We stopped at a restraunt and went inside. "Wait aren't you gonna get the guys out." said Sofia. Niall opened the trunk and the boys jumped out. "Ok, next time why don't we just take two cabs." said Zayn. "Or we could've got in my car." I said. "Oh, yeah now you're telling us." said Liam.

We went in side the restraunt and sat down. "Um...I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back, k." I said. "Ok." everyone said. As I got up I could tell Harry was starring at me. I got inside the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I got three text messages. One from my mom, asking where I went yesterday. The next one from Daisy saying she'll met us at the airport. And the last one from a unknown number. I wonder who it could be, I thought. It was from that crazy fan girl. It said, I'll get you and your friend for that. How did she get my number. I went out and went back to where I was sitting. "Oh, great." I said. "What happened." everyone asked. "Um...did I say that out loud." "Yes you did, what happened." Harry said. "I mean it's great that Sofia and I are with you guys, but Daisy's waiting for us, so we have to go." "What really." said Sofia. "Yea, and we have to go now." "We could come with you." said Liam. "I...don't...think...that's...a...good...idea." I said stopping after every word. "Um, are you ok, why are you talking like that." said Sofia. "Like...what." "Stopping after every word." "We have to go now, she's waiting."

Sofia's Pov

"Okay, but we need a ride." I said. "We can drop you guys off." said Niall. "Okay, but hurry up, cause the plan is about to go in twenty minutes." said Melanie. We all got in the car, but this time the rest of the boys stayed. "So what happened yesterday with you and," "I don't wanna talk about it right now. I'll tell you later," Melanie said cutting me off. Okay something is diffently wrong with her, I thought. "We're here," said Niall. "Okay bye," said Melanie. "I'll miss you, bye," I said giving Niall a hug. I watched him drive away then I caught up with Melanie. We fianlly found Daisy waiting by the door to the plan. " to tell me why you guys were late." she said. "We'll tell you later lets just get in before we miss the flight to Los Angles." said Melanie walking in. "What's the matter with her." said Daisy. "I donno let's just go."

Daisy and I walked in and caught up to Melanie. We spotted three sits in the middle row and sat there. The plan started going and we were in the sky. At night I was the only one still asleep. I saw something glowing in Melanie's pocket. I took it out and it was her phone. It was from Harry and the boys. How did they get her number, I thought. I saw Melanie waking up. I quickly put her phone back and faked my sleep. I heard her saying something, but it was to low I couldn't hear. The next. Thing I knew I fell dead asleep.

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