The different project: tagged

42 5 31

Tagged by chocolateKittens2
(And this is straight from the book btw)
So, this is a project I've wanted to do for a while. Being different is being beautiful. I want everyone to share this with others in the form of tagging. The rules are tag 10 people if you get tagged. I'll start it, of course. The tags will be in the comments because the story is giving me trouble. Oh, and describe yourself in the comments using ten or more fun facts about yourself.

Well I'm feeling rebellious and I'm posting in my own book. (I might go back and comment tho)

10 facts... ok

1. I get easily distracted.

2. Kindergarten to 4th grade I had selective mutism which kept me from speaking to classmates. (It's kinda like social anxiety.) It pretty much faded away when I switched schools in 5th grade.

3. My 2 favorite colors are purple and black.

4. Not a big fan of chocolate cake or chocolate ice cream.

5. I'm a sucker for cookies and cream flavor.

6. I only left my home state twice ever.

7. Not a coffee or tea person.

8. Favorite soda is Dr. Pepper

9. Hoping to catch up with TAWOG or Steven Universe (even though I already know about pink diamond:P) or even duck tales

Prepare for a rant.

10. I can't stand when people stereotype. (Specifically by "age group")

Here's what I mean: "You like spongebob? You're a kid then." Or "You like Pokémon? You child! And since I assume you watch the TV show, you're a weeaboo because it's an anime." See what I mean? You don't even get the chance to explain why you like it. Just let us have a chance to say "Well I like spongebob because the jokes are funny and if I'm ever down I can count on it to cheer me up." Or how about "The reason I'm into Pokémon is because it was the first video game I ever played. It was also a big bonding point with my brother. Video games have brought us together. And I don't watch the Pokémon TV show or any other anime so don't call me a weeaboo."

And the most common things that interest the stereotypical person my age are snapchat, instagram, fortnite, whatever trashy trend is popular, grey's anatomy, riverdale, the office, netflix, coffee... I'm not into ANY of those things. I had snapchat for a day and I deleted it. I don't have netflix. I don't watch these shows. I'm not interested in anything listed above. And it frustrates me so much when I decide "hey, why don't I be different from all these people?" then quickly get judged for not liking the "set" interests of a stereotypical teenager. Judged for being different by people who are scared to go against society.

But I'm ok with that. Dish out whatever hate you have against me. I can take it. And hey, maybe if I express my "unacceptable" interests, maybe I can make friends with someone else who's not afraid to face society.

*exhale* sorry to rant. I got rattled up when I was talking about this topic with some friends.

10 tags:
onceuponalivie (1)
GirlGamer152 (2)
NicoSaysNo99 (3)
TheTheoryFroakie (4)
PresidentDuck (5)
Maja_Ysabelle (6)
DragonOnesie21 (7)
paiinmagnet (8)
hanamura-chan (9)
Inf1niteFlamez (10)

Post your answers here in the comments section or in one of your books

569 words?! That's an all time high for a pointless ideas part

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