Act 1~ Chapter 3~ A Girl With an Unrequited Crush

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  Chapter 3

  "I'm taking you to the park today." Jace stated, waking Bentley from her sleep. She lifted her head from the pillow on the ground and started at him. She glanced behind her to the bedside table at the clock. It said 6:54.

  "The park? This early?"

  "Yes, the park." Jace picked up his skateboard and headed toward the trap door. "It'll be fun."

  "It'll be fun," Bentley echoed standing from the pallet on the ground. She straightened her clothing, and ran her hands through her hair, detangling the blonde locks as best as she could.

  After Jace had fully accepted the truth of the matter, that Bentley Grace was quite possibly a Genie, he had tried his damnedest to get her to talk more.  The most she would reveal was that the earliest she could remember was being the Genie of Aladdin and that she had been the one to send out the Pitbull earlier in the day, since she could since the danger when her lamp had been dropped (which hurt by the way).  She told him the bare minimum of what he wanted to know but he had pried for long enough that it had gotten late.   When he had started to go to bed, she seemed reluctant to head back into the lamp.  He had instead made her a palet on the floor since she refused to take the bed and she had slept there.

  Bentley straightened out her clothing, dusting herself off.  Jace did a double take, making a once over of what she was wearing. Yes, sometimes girls wore vintage clothing but she was too vintage, she actually appeared as if she was from the seventies. He paused for a moment and then went to his dresser. He dug out a large t-shirt and tossed it over to her. "You can borrow this for now."

  She glanced over the shirt quickly and then disappeared.  It was like a blink and she was gone.

  "Bentley?" Jace asked, checking around the room. He checked underneath the bed and behind his rack of clothing, but he couldn't find her. There weren't many places to hide in his room and he was confused as to where she went.

  She then, out of nowhere, reappeared, now wearing the t-shirt.

  "Where'd you go?" Jace asked, standing up from his crouched position.

  "I changed in my lamp," she answered, her hands clasped in front of her.

  "Oh, okay," Jace answered, then heading toward the door.  'She could go inside and out of her lamp whenever she wished, got it,' Jace thought.

  Bentley followed after him. Even though the shirt was rather big on her, it suited her, even if she had tucked the shirt into her high waisted pants.

  She wasn't sure what to expect from the house, which Jace told her, housed fourteen boys. Bentley expected for there to be a stench that only boys seemed to have but was pleasantly surprised that at the bottom of the ladder, there was a smell of laundry detergent. Granted, it was a mess, that was fairly guaranteed but it had character. The house had four floors, including the attic, and had around three rooms on each floor except for the attic, which was only big enough for one room. The floor below Jace's attic had three bedrooms and a bathroom. The boys who's rooms were on this floor were Nico and Derek, who shared a room, Lee, Vernon, and Cameron's room, and Nigel and Stuart's room. Nico and Derek's room was the only one with an open door, the room empty of any occupants, but all of the other doors were shut, baring entry to anyone wanting to disturb their sleep.  The second floor also had three bedrooms, with one bathroom. Jace mentioned that Stephan and Lyle shared one of the rooms, Carson had his own room, and the last room had four of the kids: Glen, Jarmain, Ashton, and Sheldon.

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